Usage as a pluginΒΆ

# Can use the same methods as a it would been included in a separate module.

from apkinjector import LOG

# Adding a new command to the `apkinjector` application:

from apkinjector.plugins import main

# Define a new command. It uses click under the hood. See more at
# Check plugins/ for a full example.
@main.command(help='Prints hello world to the console.')
def hello_world():'Hello World')  # prints info
    LOG.warning("Hello World")  # prints warning
    LOG.error('Hello World')  # prints error and calls sys.exit(1)

# This will be usable with `apkinjector hello_world`
# apkinjector hello-world --help
# Usage: python -m apkinjector hello-world [OPTIONS]

#   Prints hello world to the console.

# Options:
#   --help  Show this message and exit.