
apkinjector [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

--help  Show this message and exit.

apk Apk utils frida Inject a frida gadget in a target apk. inject Inject a shared library (.so) in a target apk. plugins Manage plugins


Usage: python -m apkinjector frida [OPTIONS] APK

Inject a frida gadget in a target apk.

--gadget TEXT     Path to custom gadget.
--script TEXT     Inject a javascript to be loaded when the gadget starts.
--codeshare TEXT  Same as --script but uses Frida Codeshare as the source
--arch TEXT       Architecture to inject for. If empty --adb or --gadget
                    must be specified.
--adb             Use adb (if installed) to detect device architecture.
--activity TEXT   Name of the activity to inject into. If unspecified, the
                    main activity will be injected.
--output          Custom path where the patched apk should be saved.
--force           Force delete destination directory.
--help            Show this message and exit.


Usage: python -m apkinjector inject [OPTIONS] APK

Inject a shared library (*.so) in a target apk.

--library TEXT   Shared library (*.so) to inject.  [required]
--include TEXT   Extra files to include in the lib folder. Can be used
                    multiple times to include more files.
--arch TEXT      Architecture to inject for. If empty --adb or --library
                    must be specified.
--adb            Use adb (if installed) to detect device architecture.
--activity TEXT  Name of the activity to inject into. If unspecified, the
                    main activity will be injected.
--output         Custom path where the patched apk should be saved.
--force          Force delete destination directory.
--help           Show this message and exit.

Apk utils

Usage: python -m apkinjector apk [OPTIONS] APK

Apk utils

--activities   Gets all activities
--permissions  Gets all permissions
--libraries    Gets all libraries
--recievers    Gets all receivers
--help         Show this message and exit.