This is the complete list of members for GTA.Entity, including all inherited members.
AbovePosition | GTA.Entity | |
AddBlip() | GTA.Entity | |
ApplyForce(Vector3 direction, Vector3 rotation=default, ForceType forceType=ForceType.MaxForceRot2) | GTA.Entity | |
ApplyForceRelative(Vector3 direction, Vector3 rotation=default, ForceType forceType=ForceType.MaxForceRot2) | GTA.Entity | |
AttachedBlip | GTA.Entity | |
AttachedBlips | GTA.Entity | |
AttachedEntity | GTA.Entity | |
AttachTo(Entity entity, Vector3 position=default, Vector3 rotation=default) | GTA.Entity | |
AttachTo(EntityBone entityBone, Vector3 position=default, Vector3 rotation=default) | GTA.Entity | |
BelowPosition | GTA.Entity | |
Bones | GTA.Entity | |
ClearLastWeaponDamage() | GTA.Entity | virtual |
Delete() | GTA.Entity | virtual |
Detach() | GTA.Entity | |
EntityType | GTA.Entity | |
Equals(object obj) | GTA.Entity | |
Exists() | GTA.Entity | virtual |
ForwardVector | GTA.Entity | |
FromHandle(int handle) | GTA.Entity | static |
FrontPosition | GTA.Entity | |
GetHashCode() | GTA.Entity | |
GetOffsetPosition(Vector3 offset) | GTA.Entity | |
GetPositionOffset(Vector3 worldCoords) | GTA.Entity | |
Handle | GTA.PoolObject | |
HasBeenDamagedBy(Entity entity) | GTA.Entity | |
HasBeenDamagedBy(WeaponHash weapon) | GTA.Entity | virtual |
HasBeenDamagedByAnyMeleeWeapon() | GTA.Entity | virtual |
HasBeenDamagedByAnyWeapon() | GTA.Entity | virtual |
HasCollided | GTA.Entity | |
HasGravity | GTA.Entity | |
Heading | GTA.Entity | |
Health | GTA.Entity | |
HealthFloat | GTA.Entity | |
HeightAboveGround | GTA.Entity | |
IsAlive | GTA.Entity | |
IsAttached() | GTA.Entity | |
IsAttachedTo(Entity entity) | GTA.Entity | |
IsBulletProof | GTA.Entity | |
IsCollisionEnabled | GTA.Entity | |
IsCollisionProof | GTA.Entity | |
IsDead | GTA.Entity | |
IsExplosionProof | GTA.Entity | |
IsFireProof | GTA.Entity | |
IsInAir | GTA.Entity | |
IsInAngledArea(Vector3 origin, Vector3 edge, float angle) | GTA.Entity | |
IsInArea(Vector3 minBounds, Vector3 maxBounds) | GTA.Entity | |
IsInRange(Vector3 position, float range) | GTA.Entity | |
IsInvincible | GTA.Entity | |
IsInWater | GTA.Entity | |
IsMeleeProof | GTA.Entity | |
IsNearEntity(Entity entity, Vector3 bounds) | GTA.Entity | |
IsOccluded | GTA.Entity | |
IsOnFire | GTA.Entity | |
IsOnlyDamagedByPlayer | GTA.Entity | |
IsOnScreen | GTA.Entity | |
IsPersistent | GTA.Entity | |
IsPositionFrozen | GTA.Entity | |
IsRecordingCollisions | GTA.Entity | |
IsRendered | GTA.Entity | |
IsTouching(Model model) | GTA.Entity | |
IsTouching(Entity entity) | GTA.Entity | |
IsUpright | GTA.Entity | |
IsUpsideDown | GTA.Entity | |
IsVisible | GTA.Entity | |
LeftPosition | GTA.Entity | |
LodDistance | GTA.Entity | |
MarkAsNoLongerNeeded() | GTA.Entity | |
MaterialCollidingWith | GTA.Entity | |
Matrix | GTA.Entity | |
MaxHealth | GTA.Entity | |
MaxHealthFloat | GTA.Entity | |
MaxSpeed | GTA.Entity | |
MemoryAddress | GTA.Entity | |
Model | GTA.Entity | |
NativeValue | GTA.PoolObject | |
Opacity | GTA.Entity | |
operator InputArgument(Entity value) | GTA.Entity | static |
operator!=(Entity left, Entity right) | GTA.Entity | static |
operator==(Entity left, Entity right) | GTA.Entity | static |
PoolObject(int handle) | GTA.PoolObject | protected |
Position | GTA.Entity | |
PositionNoOffset | GTA.Entity | |
Quaternion | GTA.Entity | |
RearPosition | GTA.Entity | |
RemoveParticleEffects() | GTA.Entity | |
ResetOpacity() | GTA.Entity | |
RightPosition | GTA.Entity | |
RightVector | GTA.Entity | |
Rotation | GTA.Entity | |
RotationVelocity | GTA.Entity | |
SetNoCollision(Entity entity, bool toggle) | GTA.Entity | |
Speed | GTA.Entity | |
SubmersionLevel | GTA.Entity | |
UpVector | GTA.Entity | |
Velocity | GTA.Entity | |