Struct Quaternion
Inherited Members
Namespace: GTA.Math
Assembly: ScriptHookVDotNet2.dll
public struct Quaternion : IEquatable<Quaternion>
Name | Description |
Quaternion(Vector3, Single) | Initializes a new instance of the Quaternion structure. |
Quaternion(Single, Single, Single, Single) | Initializes a new instance of the Quaternion structure. |
Name | Description |
W | Gets or sets the W component of the quaternion. |
X | Gets or sets the X component of the quaternion. |
Y | Gets or sets the Y component of the quaternion. |
Z | Gets or sets the Z component of the quaternion. |
Name | Description |
Angle | Gets the angle of the quaternion. |
Axis | Gets the axis components of the quaternion. |
Identity | The identity Quaternion (0, 0, 0, 1). |
Name | Description |
Add(Quaternion, Quaternion) | Adds two quaternions. |
AngleBetween(Quaternion, Quaternion) | Returns the angle in degrees between two rotations a and b. |
Conjugate() | Conjugates the quaternion. |
Conjugate(Quaternion) | Creates the conjugate of a specified Quaternion. |
Divide(Quaternion, Quaternion) | Divides a quaternion by another. |
Dot(Quaternion, Quaternion) | Calculates the dot product of two quaternions. |
Equals(Quaternion) | Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance is equal to the specified object. |
Equals(ref Quaternion, ref Quaternion) | Determines whether the specified object instances are considered equal. |
Equals(Object) | Returns a value that indicates whether the current instance is equal to a specified object. |
Euler(Vector3) | Returns a rotation that rotates z degrees around the z axis, x degrees around the x axis, and y degrees around the y axis (in that order). |
Euler(Single, Single, Single) | Returns a rotation that rotates z degrees around the z axis, x degrees around the x axis, and y degrees around the y axis (in that order). |
FromToRotation(Vector3, Vector3) | Creates a rotation which rotates from fromDirection to toDirection. |
GetHashCode() | Returns the hash code for this instance. |
Invert() | Conjugates and renormalizes the quaternion. |
Invert(Quaternion) | Conjugates and renormalizes the quaternion. |
Length() | Calculates the length of the quaternion. |
LengthSquared() | Calculates the squared length of the quaternion. |
Lerp(Quaternion, Quaternion, Single) | Performs a linear interpolation between two quaternion. |
Multiply(Quaternion, Quaternion) | Modulates a quaternion by another. |
Multiply(Quaternion, Single) | Scales a quaternion by the given value. |
Negate(Quaternion) | Reverses the direction of a given quaternion. |
Normalize() | Converts the quaternion into a unit quaternion. |
Normalize(Quaternion) | Converts the quaternion into a unit quaternion. |
RotateTowards(Quaternion, Quaternion, Single) | Rotates a rotation from towards to. |
RotationAxis(Vector3, Single) | Creates a quaternion given a rotation and an axis. |
RotationMatrix(Matrix) | Creates a quaternion given a rotation matrix. |
RotationYawPitchRoll(Single, Single, Single) | Creates a Quaternion from the given yaw, pitch, and roll, in radians. |
Slerp(Quaternion, Quaternion, Single) | Interpolates between two quaternions, using spherical linear interpolation.. |
SlerpUnclamped(Quaternion, Quaternion, Single) | Interpolates between two quaternions, using spherical linear interpolation. The parameter /t/ is not clamped. |
Subtract(Quaternion, Quaternion) | Subtracts two quaternions. |
ToString() | Converts the value of the object to its equivalent string representation. |
ToString(String) | Converts the value of the object to its equivalent string representation. |
Name | Description |
Addition(Quaternion, Quaternion) | Adds two quaternions. |
Division(Quaternion, Quaternion) | Divides a Quaternion by another Quaternion. |
Equality(Quaternion, Quaternion) | Tests for equality between two objects. |
Inequality(Quaternion, Quaternion) | Tests for inequality between two objects. |
Multiply(Quaternion, Quaternion) | Multiplies a quaternion by another. |
Multiply(Quaternion, Vector3) | Rotates a point using a quaternion. |
Multiply(Quaternion, Single) | Scales a quaternion by the given value. |
Multiply(Single, Quaternion) | Scales a quaternion by the given value. |
Subtraction(Quaternion, Quaternion) | Subtracts two quaternions. |
UnaryNegation(Quaternion) | Reverses the direction of a given quaternion. |