Class BodyWritheHelper
Inherited Members
Namespace: GTA.NaturalMotion
Assembly: ScriptHookVDotNet2.dll
public sealed class BodyWritheHelper : CustomHelper
Name | Description |
BodyWritheHelper(Ped) | Creates a new Instance of the BodyWritheHelper for sending a BodyWrithe Message to a given Ped. |
Name | Description |
ApplyStiffness | Use writhe stiffnesses if true. If false don't set any stiffnesses. |
ArmAmplitude | |
ArmDamping | Damping amount, less is underdamped. |
ArmPeriod | Controls how fast the writhe is executed, smaller values make faster motions. |
ArmStiffness | |
BackAmplitude | Scales the amount of writhe. 0 = no writhe. |
BackDamping | Damping amount, less is underdamped. |
BackPeriod | Controls how fast the writhe is executed, smaller values make faster motions. |
BackStiffness | |
BlendArms | Blend the writhe arms with the current desired arms (0=don't apply any writhe, 1=only writhe). |
BlendBack | Blend the writhe spine and neck with the current desired (0=don't apply any writhe, 1=only writhe). |
BlendLegs | Blend the writhe legs with the current desired legs (0=don't apply any writhe, 1=only writhe). |
ElbowAmplitude | |
KneeAmplitude | |
Lean1BlendFactor | Shoulder desired lean1 with shoulderLean1 angle blend factor. Set it to 0 to use original shoulder withe desired lean1 angle for shoulders. Note that onFire has to be set to true for this parameter to take any effect. |
Lean2BlendFactor | Shoulder desired lean2 with shoulderLean2 angle blend factor. Set it to 0 to use original shoulder withe desired lean2 angle for shoulders. Note that onFire has to be set to true for this parameter to take any effect. |
LegAmplitude | Scales the amount of writhe. 0 = no writhe. |
LegDamping | Damping amount, less is underdamped. |
LegPeriod | Controls how fast the writhe is executed, smaller values make faster motions. |
LegStiffness | The stiffness of the character will determine how 'determined' a writhe this is - high values will make him thrash about wildly. |
Mask | Two character body-masking value, bitwise joint mask or bitwise logic string of two character body-masking value (see Active Pose notes for possible values). |
MaxRollOverTime | Rolling torque is ramped down over time. At this time in seconds torque value converges to zero. Use this parameter to restrict time the character is rolling. Note that onFire has to be set to true for this parameter to take any effect. |
OnFire | Extra shoulderBlend. Rolling:one way only, maxRollOverTime, rollOverRadius, doesn't reduce arm stiffness to help rolling. No shoulder twist. |
RollOverFlag | Flag to set trying to rollOver. |
RollOverRadius | Rolling torque is ramped down with distance measured from position where character hit the ground and started rolling. At this distance in meters torque value converges to zero. Use this parameter to restrict distance the character travels due to rolling. Note that onFire has to be set to true for this parameter to take any effect. |
RollTorqueScale | Scale rolling torque that is applied to character spine. |
ShoulderLean1 | Blend writhe shoulder desired lean1 with this angle in RAD. Note that onFire has to be set to true for this parameter to take any effect. |
ShoulderLean2 | Blend writhe shoulder desired lean2 with this angle in RAD. Note that onFire has to be set to true for this parameter to take any effect. |