Class Ped
Inherited Members
Namespace: GTA
Assembly: ScriptHookVDotNet2.dll
public sealed class Ped : Entity, IEquatable<Entity>, IHandleable, ISpatial
Name | Description |
Ped(Int32) |
Name | Description |
Accuracy | Gets or sets how accurate this Peds shooting ability is. The higher the value of this property is, the more likely it is that this Ped will shoot at exactly where they are aiming at. |
AlwaysDiesOnLowHealth | |
AlwaysKeepTask | |
Armor | Gets or sets how much Armor this Ped is wearing. |
BlockPermanentEvents | Sets whether permanent events are blocked for this Ped. If permanent events are blocked, this Ped will only do as it's told, and won't flee when shot at, etc. |
CanBeDraggedOutOfVehicle | |
CanBeKnockedOffBike | |
CanBeShotInVehicle | |
CanBeTargetted | |
CanFlyThroughWindscreen | |
CanPlayGestures | |
CanRagdoll | |
CanSufferCriticalHits | Gets or Sets whether this Ped can suffer critical damage (which deals 1000 times base damages to non-player characters with default weapon configs) when bullets hit this Ped's head bone or its child bones. If this Ped can't suffer critical damage, they will take base damage of weapons when bullets hit their head bone or its child bones, just like when bullets hit a bone other than their head bone, its child bones, or limb bones. |
CanSwitchWeapons | Sets if this Ped can switch between different weapons. |
CanWearHelmet | |
CanWrithe | |
CurrentPedGroup | |
CurrentVehicle | |
DiesInstantlyInWater | |
DrivingSpeed | |
DrivingStyle | |
DropsWeaponsOnDeath | |
DrownsInSinkingVehicle | |
DrownsInWater | |
Euphoria | Opens a list of Euphoria Helpers which can be applied to this Ped. |
FiringPattern | Sets the pattern this Ped uses to fire weapons. |
Gender | Gets the gender of this Ped. |
IsAimingFromCover | |
IsBeingJacked | |
IsBeingStealthKilled | |
IsBeingStunned | |
IsClimbing | |
IsCuffed | |
IsDiving | |
IsDoingDriveBy | |
IsDucking | |
IsEnemy | |
IsFalling | |
IsFleeing | |
IsGettingIntoAVehicle | |
IsGettingUp | |
IsGoingIntoCover | |
IsHuman | Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is human. |
IsIdle | |
IsInBoat | |
IsInCombat | |
IsInCover() | |
IsInCoverFacingLeft | |
IsInFlyingVehicle | |
IsInGroup | |
IsInHeli | |
IsInjured | |
IsInMeleeCombat | |
IsInParachuteFreeFall | |
IsInPlane | |
IsInPoliceVehicle | |
IsInSub | |
IsInTaxi | |
IsInTrain | |
IsJacking | |
IsJumping | |
IsJumpingOutOfVehicle | Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is jumping out of their vehicle. |
IsOnBike | |
IsOnFoot | |
IsPerformingStealthKill | |
IsPlayer | |
IsPriorityTargetForEnemies | |
IsProne | |
IsRagdoll | |
IsReloading | |
IsRunning | |
IsShooting | |
IsSprinting | |
IsStopped | |
IsSwimming | |
IsSwimmingUnderWater | |
IsTryingToEnterALockedVehicle | |
IsVaulting | |
IsWalking | |
IsWearingHelmet | |
LastVehicle | |
MaxDrivingSpeed | Sets the maximum driving speed this Ped can drive at. |
MaxHealth | Gets or sets the maximum health of this Ped as an System.Int32. |
Money | Gets or sets how much money this Ped is carrying. |
MovementAnimationSet | Sets the animation dictionary or set this Ped should use or |
NeverLeavesGroup | |
RelationshipGroup | |
SeatIndex | Gets the VehicleSeat this Ped is in. |
ShootRate | Sets the rate this Ped will shoot at. |
StaysInVehicleWhenJacked | Sets a value indicating whether this Ped will stay in the vehicle when the driver gets jacked. |
Sweat | Gets or sets the how much sweat should be rendered on this Ped. |
Task | Opens a list of TaskInvoker that this Ped can carry out. |
TaskSequenceProgress | Gets the stage of the TaskSequence this Ped is currently executing. |
Voice | Sets the voice to use when this Ped speaks. |
WasKilledByStealth | Gets a value indicating whether this Ped was killed by a stealth attack. |
WasKilledByTakedown | Gets a value indicating whether this Ped was killed by a takedown. |
Weapons | |
WetnessHeight | Sets how high up on this Peds body water should be visible. |