Class StayUprightHelper
Inherited Members
Namespace: GTA.NaturalMotion
Assembly: ScriptHookVDotNet2.dll
public sealed class StayUprightHelper : CustomHelper
Name | Description |
StayUprightHelper(Ped) | Creates a new Instance of the StayUprightHelper for sending a StayUpright Message to a given Ped. |
Name | Description |
ForceDamping | Damping in constraint: -1 makes it scale automagically with forceStrength. Other negative values will scale this automagic damping. |
ForceFeetMult | Multiplier to the force applied to the feet. |
ForceInAirShare | Share of the feet force to the airborne foot. |
ForceLeanReduction | How much the character lean is taken into account when reducing the force. |
ForceMax | See above. |
ForceMin | When min and max are greater than 0 the constraint strength is determined from character strength, scaled into the range given by min and max. |
ForceSaturationVel | When in velocityBased mode, the COM velocity at which constraint reaches maximum strength (forceStrength). |
ForceSpine3Share | Share of pelvis force applied to spine3. |
ForceStrength | Strength of constraint. |
ForceThresholdVel | When in velocityBased mode, the COM velocity above which constraint starts applying forces. |
LastStandHorizDamping | Higher values for more damping. |
LastStandMaxTime | Max time allowed in last stand mode. |
LastStandMode | Uses position/orientation control on the spine and drifts in the direction of bullets. This ignores all other stayUpright settings. |
LastStandSinkRate | The sink rate (higher for a faster drop). |
NoSupportForceMult | Still apply this fraction of the upright constaint force if the foot is not in a position (defined by supportPosition) to generate the support for the upright constraint. |
StayUpAcc | How much the cheat force takes into account the acceleration of moving platforms. |
StayUpAccMax | The maximum floorAcceleration (of a moving platform) that the cheat force takes into account. |
StepUpHelp | Strength of cheat force applied upwards to spine3 to help the character up steps/slopes. |
SupportPosition | Distance the foot is behind Com projection that is still considered able to generate the support for the upright constraint. |
TorqueDamping | Damping of torque based constraint. |
TorqueOnlyInAir | Only apply torque based constraint when airBorne. |
TorqueSaturationVel | When in velocityBased mode, the COM velocity at which constraint reaches maximum strength (torqueStrength). |
TorqueStrength | Strength of torque based constraint. |
TorqueThresholdVel | When in velocityBased mode, the COM velocity above which constraint starts applying torques. |
TurnTowardsBullets | Use cheat torques to face the direction of bullets if not facing too far away. |
UseForces | Enable force based constraint. |
UseTorques | Enable torque based constraint. |
VelocityBased | Make strength of constraint function of COM velocity. Uses -1 for forceDamping if the damping is positive. |