Class YankedHelper
Inherited Members
Namespace: GTA.NaturalMotion
Assembly: ScriptHookVDotNet2.dll
public sealed class YankedHelper : CustomHelper
Name | Description |
YankedHelper(Ped) | Creates a new Instance of the YankedHelper for sending a Yanked Message to a given Ped. |
Name | Description |
ArmDamping | Sets damping value for the arms when upright. |
ArmDampingStart | Arm damping during the yanked timescale i.e. timeAtStartValues. |
ArmStiffness | Stiffness of arms when upright. |
ArmStiffnessStart | Arm stiffness during the yanked timescale i.e. timeAtStartValues. |
ComVelRDSThresh | For handsAndKnees catchfall ONLY: comVel above which rollDownstairs will start. |
FootFriction | Foot friction when standing/stepping. 0.5 gives a good slide sometimes. |
GroundArmDamping | Arm Damping when on the ground. |
GroundArmStiffness | Arm Stiffness when on the ground. |
GroundFriction | Friction multiplier on body parts when on ground. Character can look too slidy with groundFriction = 1. Higher values give a more jerky reaction but this seems timestep dependent especially for dragged by the feet. |
GroundLegDamping | Leg Damping when on the ground. |
GroundLegStiffness | Leg Stiffness when on the ground. |
GroundSpineDamping | Spine Damping when on the ground. |
GroundSpineStiffness | Spine Stiffness when on the ground. |
HeadLookAtVelProb | Probability [0-1] that headLook will be looking in the direction of velocity when stepping. |
HeadLookInstanceIndex | Level index of thing to look at. |
HeadLookPos | Position of thing to look at. |
HipAmplitude | Amount of hip movement. |
HipPitchBack | Amount to bend backwards at the hips (+ve backwards, -ve forwards). Behavior switches between hipPitchForward and hipPitchBack. |
HipPitchForward | Amount to bend forward at the hips (+ve forward, -ve backwards). Behavior switches between hipPitchForward and hipPitchBack. |
HulaPeriod | 0.25 A complete wiggle will take 4*hulaPeriod. |
LowerBodyStiffness | LowerBodyStiffness should be 12. |
LowerBodyStiffnessEnd | LowerBodyStiffness at end. |
MaxRelaxPeriod | Wriggle relaxes for a maximum of maxRelaxPeriod (if it is negative it is a multiplier on the time previously spent wriggling). |
MinRelaxPeriod | Wriggle relaxes for a minimum of minRelaxPeriod (if it is negative it is a multiplier on the time previously spent wriggling). |
PerStepReduction | LowerBody stiffness will be reduced every step to make the character fallover. |
RampTimeFromStartValues | Time spent ramping from Start to end values for arms and spine stiffness and damping i.e. for whiplash effect (occurs after timeAtStartValues). |
RampTimeToEndValues | Time spent ramping from lowerBodyStiffness to lowerBodyStiffnessEnd. |
RollHelp | Amount of cheat torque applied to turn the character over. |
SpineAmplitude | Amount of spine movement. |
SpineBend | Bend/Twist the spine amount. |
SpineDamping | Spine damping when upright. |
SpineDampingStart | Spine damping during the yanked timescale i.e. timeAtStartValues. |
SpineStiffness | Spine stiffness when upright. |
SpineStiffnessStart | Spine stiffness during the yanked timescale i.e. timeAtStartValues. |
StepsTillStartEnd | Steps taken before lowerBodyStiffness starts ramping down. |
TimeAtStartValues | Time spent with Start values for arms and spine stiffness and damping i.e. for whiplash effect. |
TimeStartEnd | Time from start of behavior before lowerBodyStiffness starts ramping down by perStepReduction1. |
TurnThresholdMax | Max angle at which the turn with toggle to the other direction (actual toggle angle is chosen randomly in range min to max). If it is 1 then it will never toggle. If negative then no turn is applied. |
TurnThresholdMin | Min angle at which the turn with toggle to the other direction (actual toggle angle is chosen randomly in range min to max). If it is 1 then it will never toggle. If negative then no turn is applied. |
UseHeadLook | Enable and provide a look-at target to make the character's head turn to face it while balancing. |