An ASI plugin for Grand Theft Auto V, which allows running scripts written in any .NET language in-game. Developed by crosire
Clone of High Fall with a wider range of operating conditions. More...
Public Member Functions | |
SmartFallHelper (Ped ped) | |
Creates a new Instance of the SmartFallHelper for sending a SmartFall Message to a given Ped. More... | |
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void | Start () |
Starts this Natural Motion behavior on the Ped that will loop until manually aborted. More... | |
void | Start (int duration) |
Starts this Natural Motion behavior on the Ped for a specified duration. More... | |
void | Stop () |
Stops this Natural Motion behavior on the Ped. More... | |
void | SetArgument (string argName, bool value) |
Sets a Message argument to a bool value. More... | |
void | SetArgument (string argName, int value) |
Sets a Message argument to a int value. More... | |
void | SetArgument (string argName, float value) |
Sets a Message argument to a float value. More... | |
void | SetArgument (string argName, string value) |
Sets a Message argument to a string value. More... | |
void | SetArgument (string argName, Vector3 value) |
Sets a Message argument to a Vector3 value. More... | |
void | ResetArguments () |
Resets all arguments to their default values. More... | |
override string | ToString () |
Returns the internal message name. More... | |
Properties | |
float | BodyStiffness [set] |
Stiffness of body. Value feeds through to bodyBalance (synced with defaults), to armsWindmill (14 for this value at default ), legs pedal, head look and roll down stairs directly. More... | |
float | Bodydamping [set] |
The damping of the joints. More... | |
float | Catchfalltime [set] |
The length of time before the impact that the character transitions to the landing. More... | |
float | CrashOrLandCutOff [set] |
0.52angle is 0.868 dot//A threshold for deciding how far away from upright the character needs to be before bailing out (going into a foetal) instead of trying to land (keeping stretched out). NB: never does bailout if ignorWorldCollisions true. More... | |
float | PdStrength [set] |
Strength of the controller to keep the character at angle aimAngleBase from vertical. More... | |
float | PdDamping [set] |
Damping multiplier of the controller to keep the character at angle aimAngleBase from vertical. The actual damping is pdDamping*pdStrength*constant*angVel. More... | |
float | ArmAngSpeed [set] |
Arm circling speed in armWindMillAdaptive. More... | |
float | ArmAmplitude [set] |
In armWindMillAdaptive. More... | |
float | ArmPhase [set] |
In armWindMillAdaptive 3.1 opposite for stuntman. 1.0 old default. 0.0 in phase. More... | |
bool | ArmBendElbows [set] |
In armWindMillAdaptive bend the elbows as a function of armAngle. For stunt man true otherwise false. More... | |
float | LegRadius [set] |
Radius of legs on pedal. More... | |
float | LegAngSpeed [set] |
In pedal. More... | |
float | LegAsymmetry [set] |
0.0 for stunt man. Random offset applied per leg to the angular speed to desynchronize the pedaling - set to 0 to disable, otherwise should be set to less than the angularSpeed value. More... | |
float | Arms2LegsPhase [set] |
Phase angle between the arms and legs circling angle. More... | |
Synchroisation | Arms2LegsSync [set] |
Syncs the arms angle to what the leg angle is. More... | |
float | ArmsUp [set] |
Where to put the arms when preparing to land. Approx 1 = above head, 0 = head height, -1 = down. LT -2.0 use catchFall arms, LT -3.0 use prepare for landing pose if Agent is due to land vertically, feet first. More... | |
bool | OrientateBodyToFallDirection [set] |
Toggle to orientate to fall direction. i.e. orientate so that the character faces the horizontal velocity direction. More... | |
bool | OrientateTwist [set] |
If false don't worry about the twist angle of the character when orientating the character. If false this allows the twist axis of the character to be free (You can get a nice twisting highFall like the one in dieHard 4 when the car goes into the helicopter). More... | |
float | OrientateMax [set] |
DEVEL parameter - suggest you don't edit it. Maximum torque the orientation controller can apply. If 0 then no helper torques will be used. 300 will orientate the character softly for all but extreme angles away from aimAngleBase. If abs (current -aimAngleBase) is getting near 3.0 then this can be reduced to give a softer feel. More... | |
bool | AlanRickman [set] |
If true then orientate the character to face the point from where it started falling. High fall like the one in "Die Hard" with Alan Rickman. More... | |
bool | FowardRoll [set] |
Try to execute a forward Roll on landing. More... | |
bool | UseZeroPose_withFowardRoll [set] |
Blend to a zero pose when forward roll is attempted. More... | |
float | AimAngleBase [set] |
Angle from vertical the pdController is driving to (positive = forwards). More... | |
float | FowardVelRotation [set] |
Scale to add/subtract from aimAngle based on forward speed (Internal). More... | |
float | FootVelCompScale [set] |
Scale to change to amount of vel that is added to the foot ik from the velocity (Internal). More... | |
float | SideD [set] |
Sideoffset for the feet during prepareForLanding. +ve = right. More... | |
float | FowardOffsetOfLegIK [set] |
Forward offset for the feet during prepareForLanding. More... | |
float | LegL [set] |
Leg Length for ik (Internal)//unused. More... | |
float | CatchFallCutOff [set] |
0.5angle is 0.878 dot. Cutoff to go to the catchFall (internal) //mmmtodo do like crashOrLandCutOff. More... | |
float | LegStrength [set] |
Strength of the legs at landing. More... | |
bool | Balance [set] |
If true have enough strength to balance. If false not enough strength in legs to balance (even though bodyBlance called). More... | |
bool | IgnorWorldCollisions [set] |
Never go into bailout (foetal). More... | |
bool | AdaptiveCircling [set] |
Stunt man type fall. Arm and legs circling direction controlled by angmom and orientation. More... | |
bool | Hula [set] |
With stunt man type fall. Hula reaction if can't see floor and not rotating fast. More... | |
float | MaxSpeedForRecoverableFall [set] |
Character needs to be moving less than this speed to consider fall as a recoverable one. More... | |
float | MinSpeedForBrace [set] |
Character needs to be moving at least this fast horizontally to start bracing for impact if there is an object along its trajectory. More... | |
float | LandingNormal [set] |
Ray-cast normal doted with up direction has to be greater than this number to consider object flat enough to land on it. More... | |
float | RdsForceMag [set] |
float | RdsTargetLinVeDecayTime [set] |
RDS: Time for the targetlinearVelocity to decay to zero. More... | |
float | RdsTargetLinearVelocity [set] |
RDS: Helper torques are applied to match the spin of the character to the max of targetLinearVelocity and COMVelMag. -1 to use initial character velocity. More... | |
bool | RdsUseStartingFriction [set] |
Start Catch Fall/RDS state with specified friction. Catch fall will overwrite based on setFallingReaction. More... | |
float | RdsStartingFriction [set] |
Catch Fall/RDS starting friction. Catch fall will overwrite based on setFallingReaction. More... | |
float | RdsStartingFrictionMin [set] |
Catch Fall/RDS starting friction minimum. Catch fall will overwrite based on setFallingReaction. More... | |
float | RdsForceVelThreshold [set] |
Velocity threshold under which RDS force mag will be applied. More... | |
int | InitialState [set] |
Force initial state (used in vehicle bail out to start SF_CatchFall (6) earlier. More... | |
bool | ChangeExtremityFriction [set] |
Allow friction changes to be applied to the hands and feet. More... | |
bool | Teeter [set] |
Set up an immediate teeter in the direction of trave if initial state is SF_Balance. More... | |
float | TeeterOffset [set] |
Offset the default Teeter edge in the direction of travel. Will need to be tweaked depending on how close to the real edge AI tends to trigger the behavior. More... | |
float | StopRollingTime [set] |
Time in seconds before ped should start actively trying to stop rolling. More... | |
float | ReboundScale [set] |
Scale for rebound assistance. 0 = off, 1 = very bouncy, 2 = jbone crazy. More... | |
string | ReboundMask [set] |
Part mask to apply rebound assistance. More... | |
bool | ForceHeadAvoid [set] |
Force head avoid to be active during Catch Fall even when character is not on the ground. More... | |
float | CfZAxisSpinReduction [set] |
Pass-through parameter for Catch Fall spin reduction. Increase to stop more spin. 0..1. More... | |
float | SplatWhenStopped [set] |
Transition to splat state when com vel is below value, regardless of character health or fall velocity. Set to zero to disable. More... | |
float | BlendHeadWhenStopped [set] |
Blend head to neutral pose com vel approaches zero. Linear between zero and value. Set to zero to disable. More... | |
float | SpreadLegs [set] |
Spread legs amount for pedal during fall. More... | |
Additional Inherited Members | |
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CustomHelper (Ped target, string message) | |
Creates a helper class for building Natural Motion messages to send to a given Ped. More... | |
Clone of High Fall with a wider range of operating conditions.
GTA.NaturalMotion.SmartFallHelper.SmartFallHelper | ( | Ped | ped | ) |
Creates a new Instance of the SmartFallHelper for sending a SmartFall Message to a given Ped.
Clone of High Fall with a wider range of operating conditions.
set |
Stunt man type fall. Arm and legs circling direction controlled by angmom and orientation.
Default value = True.
set |
Angle from vertical the pdController is driving to (positive = forwards).
Default value = 0.2f. Min value = -3.1f. Max value = 3.1f.
set |
If true then orientate the character to face the point from where it started falling. High fall like the one in "Die Hard" with Alan Rickman.
Default value = False.
set |
In armWindMillAdaptive.
Default value = 2.0f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 10.0f.
set |
Arm circling speed in armWindMillAdaptive.
Default value = 7.9f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 20.0f.
set |
In armWindMillAdaptive bend the elbows as a function of armAngle. For stunt man true otherwise false.
Default value = True.
set |
In armWindMillAdaptive 3.1 opposite for stuntman. 1.0 old default. 0.0 in phase.
Default value = 3.1f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 6.3f.
set |
Phase angle between the arms and legs circling angle.
Default value = 0.0f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 6.5f.
set |
Syncs the arms angle to what the leg angle is.
Default value = Synchroisation.AlwaysSynced. All speed/direction parameters of armswindmill are overwritten if = Synchroisation.AlwaysSynced. If Synchroisation.SyncedAtStart and you want synced arms/legs then armAngSpeed=legAngSpeed, legAsymmetry = 0.0 (to stop randomizations of the leg cicle speed).
set |
Where to put the arms when preparing to land. Approx 1 = above head, 0 = head height, -1 = down. LT -2.0 use catchFall arms, LT -3.0 use prepare for landing pose if Agent is due to land vertically, feet first.
Default value = -3.1f. Min value = -4.0f. Max value = 2.0f.
set |
If true have enough strength to balance. If false not enough strength in legs to balance (even though bodyBlance called).
Default value = True.
set |
Blend head to neutral pose com vel approaches zero. Linear between zero and value. Set to zero to disable.
Default value = 0.0f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 100.0f.
set |
The damping of the joints.
Default value = 1.0f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 3.0f.
set |
Stiffness of body. Value feeds through to bodyBalance (synced with defaults), to armsWindmill (14 for this value at default ), legs pedal, head look and roll down stairs directly.
Default value = 11.0f. Min value = 6.0f. Max value = 16.0f.
set |
0.5angle is 0.878 dot. Cutoff to go to the catchFall (internal) //mmmtodo do like crashOrLandCutOff.
Default value = 0.9f. Min value = -1.0f. Max value = 1.0f.
set |
The length of time before the impact that the character transitions to the landing.
Default value = 0.3f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 1.0f.
set |
Pass-through parameter for Catch Fall spin reduction. Increase to stop more spin. 0..1.
Default value = 0.5f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 1.0f.
set |
Allow friction changes to be applied to the hands and feet.
Default value = False.
set |
0.52angle is 0.868 dot//A threshold for deciding how far away from upright the character needs to be before bailing out (going into a foetal) instead of trying to land (keeping stretched out). NB: never does bailout if ignorWorldCollisions true.
Default value = 0.9f. Min value = -1.0f. Max value = 1.0f.
set |
Scale to change to amount of vel that is added to the foot ik from the velocity (Internal).
Default value = 0.1f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 1.0f.
set |
Force head avoid to be active during Catch Fall even when character is not on the ground.
Default value = False.
set |
Forward offset for the feet during prepareForLanding.
Default value = 0.0f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 1.0f.
set |
Try to execute a forward Roll on landing.
Default value = False.
set |
Scale to add/subtract from aimAngle based on forward speed (Internal).
Default value = 0.0f. Min value = -1.0f. Max value = 1.0f.
set |
With stunt man type fall. Hula reaction if can't see floor and not rotating fast.
Default value = True.
set |
Never go into bailout (foetal).
Default value = False.
set |
Force initial state (used in vehicle bail out to start SF_CatchFall (6) earlier.
Default value = 0. Min value = 0. Max value = 7.
set |
Ray-cast normal doted with up direction has to be greater than this number to consider object flat enough to land on it.
Default value = 0.6f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 1.0f.
set |
In pedal.
Default value = 7.9f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 15.0f.
set |
0.0 for stunt man. Random offset applied per leg to the angular speed to desynchronize the pedaling - set to 0 to disable, otherwise should be set to less than the angularSpeed value.
Default value = 4.0f. Min value = -10.0f. Max value = 10.0f.
set |
Leg Length for ik (Internal)//unused.
Default value = 1.0f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 2.0f.
set |
Radius of legs on pedal.
Default value = 0.4f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 0.5f.
set |
Strength of the legs at landing.
Default value = 12.0f. Min value = 6.0f. Max value = 16.0f.
set |
Character needs to be moving less than this speed to consider fall as a recoverable one.
Default value = 15.0f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 100.0f.
set |
Character needs to be moving at least this fast horizontally to start bracing for impact if there is an object along its trajectory.
Default value = 10.0f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 100.0f.
set |
Toggle to orientate to fall direction. i.e. orientate so that the character faces the horizontal velocity direction.
Default value = False.
set |
DEVEL parameter - suggest you don't edit it. Maximum torque the orientation controller can apply. If 0 then no helper torques will be used. 300 will orientate the character softly for all but extreme angles away from aimAngleBase. If abs (current -aimAngleBase) is getting near 3.0 then this can be reduced to give a softer feel.
Default value = 300.0f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 2000.0f.
set |
If false don't worry about the twist angle of the character when orientating the character. If false this allows the twist axis of the character to be free (You can get a nice twisting highFall like the one in dieHard 4 when the car goes into the helicopter).
Default value = True.
set |
Damping multiplier of the controller to keep the character at angle aimAngleBase from vertical. The actual damping is pdDamping*pdStrength*constant*angVel.
Default value = 1.0f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 5.0f.
set |
Strength of the controller to keep the character at angle aimAngleBase from vertical.
Default value = 0.0f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 1.0f.
set |
Default value = 0.8f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 10.0f.
set |
Velocity threshold under which RDS force mag will be applied.
Default value = 10.0f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 100.0f.
set |
Catch Fall/RDS starting friction. Catch fall will overwrite based on setFallingReaction.
Default value = 0.0f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 10.0f.
set |
Catch Fall/RDS starting friction minimum. Catch fall will overwrite based on setFallingReaction.
Default value = 0.0f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 10.0f.
set |
RDS: Helper torques are applied to match the spin of the character to the max of targetLinearVelocity and COMVelMag. -1 to use initial character velocity.
Default value = 1.0f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 30.0f.
set |
RDS: Time for the targetlinearVelocity to decay to zero.
Default value = 0.5f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 10.0f.
set |
Start Catch Fall/RDS state with specified friction. Catch fall will overwrite based on setFallingReaction.
Default value = False.
set |
Part mask to apply rebound assistance.
Default value = uk.
set |
Scale for rebound assistance. 0 = off, 1 = very bouncy, 2 = jbone crazy.
Default value = 0.0f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 2.0f.
set |
Sideoffset for the feet during prepareForLanding. +ve = right.
Default value = 0.2f. Min value = -1.0f. Max value = 1.0f.
set |
Transition to splat state when com vel is below value, regardless of character health or fall velocity. Set to zero to disable.
Default value = 0.0f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 100.0f.
set |
Spread legs amount for pedal during fall.
Default value = 0.1f. Min value = -1.0f. Max value = 1.0f.
set |
Time in seconds before ped should start actively trying to stop rolling.
Default value = 2.0f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 100.0f.
set |
Set up an immediate teeter in the direction of trave if initial state is SF_Balance.
Default value = False.
set |
Offset the default Teeter edge in the direction of travel. Will need to be tweaked depending on how close to the real edge AI tends to trigger the behavior.
Default value = 0.3f. Min value = 0.0f. Max value = 1.0f.
set |
Blend to a zero pose when forward roll is attempted.
Default value = False.