An ASI plugin for Grand Theft Auto V, which allows running scripts written in any .NET language in-game. Developed by crosire
GTA.Ped Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for GTA.Ped:
GTA.Entity GTA.PoolObject GTA.ISpatial GTA.Native.INativeValue GTA.IDeletable GTA.IExistable

Public Member Functions

Ped Clone (float heading=0.0f)
 Spawn an identical clone of this Ped. More...
void Kill ()
 Kills this Ped immediately. More...
void Resurrect ()
 Resurrects this Ped from death. More...
new bool Exists ()
 Determines if this Ped exists. More...
void ClearBloodDamage ()
void ClearVisibleDamage ()
void GiveHelmet (bool canBeRemovedByPed, Helmet helmetType, int textureIndex)
void RemoveHelmet (bool instantly)
bool GetConfigFlag (int flagID)
void SetConfigFlag (int flagID, bool value)
void ResetConfigFlag (int flagID)
bool IsHeadtracking (Entity entity)
void Ragdoll (int duration=-1, RagdollType ragdollType=RagdollType.Normal)
void CancelRagdoll ()
bool IsInVehicle ()
bool IsInVehicle (Vehicle vehicle)
bool IsSittingInVehicle ()
bool IsSittingInVehicle (Vehicle vehicle)
void SetIntoVehicle (Vehicle vehicle, VehicleSeat seat)
void OpenParachute ()
bool IsInCombatAgainst (Ped target)
void ApplyDamage (int damageAmount)
override bool HasBeenDamagedBy (WeaponHash weapon)
 Determines whether this Entity has been damaged by a specific weapon]. More...
override bool HasBeenDamagedByAnyWeapon ()
 Determines whether this Entity has been damaged by any weapon. More...
override bool HasBeenDamagedByAnyMeleeWeapon ()
 Determines whether this Entity has been damaged by any melee weapon. More...
override void ClearLastWeaponDamage ()
 Clears the last weapon damage this Entity received. More...
Relationship GetRelationshipWithPed (Ped ped)
void LeaveGroup ()
void PlayAmbientSpeech (string speechName, SpeechModifier modifier=SpeechModifier.Standard)
void PlayAmbientSpeech (string speechName, string voiceName, SpeechModifier modifier=SpeechModifier.Standard)
- Public Member Functions inherited from GTA.Entity
void ResetOpacity ()
 Resets the Entity opacity.

See also

. More...

Vector3 GetOffsetPosition (Vector3 offset)
 Gets the position in world coordinates of an offset relative this Entity More...
Vector3 GetPositionOffset (Vector3 worldCoords)
 Gets the relative offset of this Entity from a world coordinates position More...
bool HasBeenDamagedBy (Entity entity)
 Determines whether this Entity has been damaged by a specified Entity. More...
void RemoveParticleEffects ()
 Stops all particle effects attached to this Entity More...
void SetNoCollision (Entity entity, bool toggle)
 Sets the collision between this Entity and another Entity More...
bool IsInArea (Vector3 minBounds, Vector3 maxBounds)
 Determines whether this Entity is in a specified area More...
bool IsInAngledArea (Vector3 origin, Vector3 edge, float angle)
 Determines whether this Entity is in a specified angled area More...
bool IsInRange (Vector3 position, float range)
 Determines whether this Entity is in range of a specified position More...
bool IsNearEntity (Entity entity, Vector3 bounds)
 Determines whether this Entity is near a specified Entity. More...
bool IsTouching (Model model)
 Determines whether this Entity is touching an Entity with the Model model . More...
bool IsTouching (Entity entity)
 Determines whether this Entity is touching the Entity entity . More...
Blip AddBlip ()
 Creates a Blip on this Entity More...
void Detach ()
 Detaches this Entity from any Entity it may be attached to. More...
void AttachTo (Entity entity, Vector3 position=default, Vector3 rotation=default)
 Attaches this Entity to a different Entity More...
void AttachTo (EntityBone entityBone, Vector3 position=default, Vector3 rotation=default)
 Attaches this Entity to a different Entity More...
bool IsAttached ()
 Determines whether this Entity is attached to any other Entity. More...
bool IsAttachedTo (Entity entity)
 Determines whether this Entity is attached to the specified Entity. More...
void ApplyForce (Vector3 direction, Vector3 rotation=default, ForceType forceType=ForceType.MaxForceRot2)
 Applies a force to this Entity. More...
void ApplyForceRelative (Vector3 direction, Vector3 rotation=default, ForceType forceType=ForceType.MaxForceRot2)
 Applies a force to this Entity. More...
void MarkAsNoLongerNeeded ()
 Marks this Entity as no longer needed letting the game delete it when its too far away. More...
override void Delete ()
 Destroys this Entity. More...
override bool Equals (object obj)
 Determines if an object refers to the same entity as this Entity. More...
override int GetHashCode ()

Public Attributes

bool IsHuman => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_HUMAN, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is human. More...
bool IsCuffed => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_CUFFED, Handle)
bool IsWearingHelmet => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_WEARING_HELMET, Handle)
Style Style => _style ?? (_style = new Style(this))
 Opens a list of clothing and prop configurations that this Ped can wear. More...
Gender Gender => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_MALE, Handle) ? Gender.Male : Gender.Female
 Gets the gender of this Ped. More...
bool IsPlayer => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_A_PLAYER, Handle)
new PedBoneCollection Bones => _pedBones ?? (_pedBones = new PedBoneCollection(this))
 Gets a collection of the PedBones in this Ped. More...
bool IsIdle => !IsInjured && !IsRagdoll && !IsInAir && !IsOnFire && !IsDucking && !IsGettingIntoVehicle && !IsInCombat && !IsInMeleeCombat && (!IsInVehicle() || IsSittingInVehicle())
bool IsProne => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_PRONE, Handle)
bool IsGettingUp => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_GETTING_UP, Handle)
bool IsDiving => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_DIVING, Handle)
bool IsJumping => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_JUMPING, Handle)
bool IsFalling => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_FALLING, Handle)
bool IsVaulting => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_VAULTING, Handle)
bool IsClimbing => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_CLIMBING, Handle)
bool IsWalking => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_WALKING, Handle)
bool IsRunning => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_RUNNING, Handle)
bool IsSprinting => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_SPRINTING, Handle)
bool IsStopped => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_STOPPED, Handle)
bool IsSwimming => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_SWIMMING, Handle)
bool IsSwimmingUnderWater => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_SWIMMING_UNDER_WATER, Handle)
TaskInvoker Task => _tasks ?? (_tasks = new TaskInvoker(this))
 Opens a list of TaskInvoker that this Ped can carry out. More...
int TaskSequenceProgress => Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_SEQUENCE_PROGRESS, Handle)
 Gets the stage of the TaskSequence this Ped is currently executing. More...
bool IsRagdoll => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_RAGDOLL, Handle)
Euphoria Euphoria => _euphoria ?? (_euphoria = new Euphoria(this))
 Opens a list of GTA.NaturalMotion.Euphoria Helpers which can be applied to this Ped. More...
WeaponCollection Weapons => _weapons ?? (_weapons = new WeaponCollection(this))
 Gets a collection of all this Peds Weapons. More...
bool IsOnBike => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_ON_ANY_BIKE, Handle)
bool IsOnFoot => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_ON_FOOT, Handle)
bool IsInSub => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_ANY_SUB, Handle)
bool IsInTaxi => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_ANY_TAXI, Handle)
bool IsInTrain => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_ANY_TRAIN, Handle)
bool IsInHeli => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_ANY_HELI, Handle)
bool IsInPlane => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_ANY_PLANE, Handle)
bool IsInFlyingVehicle => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_FLYING_VEHICLE, Handle)
bool IsInBoat => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_ANY_BOAT, Handle)
bool IsInPoliceVehicle => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_ANY_POLICE_VEHICLE, Handle)
bool IsGettingIntoVehicle => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_GETTING_INTO_A_VEHICLE, Handle)
bool IsJumpingOutOfVehicle => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_JUMPING_OUT_OF_VEHICLE, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is jumping out of their vehicle. More...
bool IsTryingToEnterALockedVehicle => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_TRYING_TO_ENTER_A_LOCKED_VEHICLE, Handle)
bool IsJacking => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_JACKING, Handle)
bool IsBeingJacked => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_BEING_JACKED, Handle)
bool IsInParachuteFreeFall => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_PARACHUTE_FREE_FALL, Handle)
ParachuteState ParachuteState => Function.Call<ParachuteState>(Hash.GET_PED_PARACHUTE_STATE, Handle)
ParachuteLandingType ParachuteLandingType => Function.Call<ParachuteLandingType>(Hash.GET_PED_PARACHUTE_LANDING_TYPE, Handle)
bool IsFleeing => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_FLEEING, Handle)
bool IsInjured => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_INJURED, Handle)
bool IsInStealthMode => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.GET_PED_STEALTH_MOVEMENT, Handle)
bool IsInCombat => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_COMBAT, Handle)
bool IsInMeleeCombat => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_MELEE_COMBAT, Handle)
bool IsAiming => GetConfigFlag(78)
bool IsPlantingBomb => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_PLANTING_BOMB, Handle)
bool IsShooting => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_SHOOTING, Handle)
bool IsReloading => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_RELOADING, Handle)
bool IsDoingDriveBy => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_DOING_DRIVEBY, Handle)
bool IsGoingIntoCover => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_GOING_INTO_COVER, Handle)
bool IsAimingFromCover => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_AIMING_FROM_COVER, Handle)
bool IsBeingStunned => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_BEING_STUNNED, Handle)
bool IsBeingStealthKilled => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_BEING_STEALTH_KILLED, Handle)
bool IsPerformingStealthKill => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_PERFORMING_STEALTH_KILL, Handle)
bool IsInCover => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_COVER, Handle, false)
bool IsInCoverFacingLeft => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_COVER_FACING_LEFT, Handle)
bool WasKilledByStealth => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.WAS_PED_KILLED_BY_STEALTH, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Ped was killed by a stealth attack. More...
bool WasKilledByTakedown => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.WAS_PED_KILLED_BY_TAKEDOWN, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Ped was killed by a takedown. More...
Entity Killer => FromHandle(Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_PED_SOURCE_OF_DEATH, Handle))
bool IsInGroup => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_GROUP, Handle)
 Gets if this Ped is in a PedGroup. More...
PedGroup PedGroup => IsInGroup ? new PedGroup(Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_PED_GROUP_INDEX, Handle, false)) : null
 Gets the PedGroup this Ped is in. More...
bool IsAmbientSpeechPlaying => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_AMBIENT_SPEECH_PLAYING, Handle)
bool IsScriptedSpeechPlaying => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_SCRIPTED_SPEECH_PLAYING, Handle)
bool IsAnySpeechPlaying => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_ANY_SPEECH_PLAYING, Handle)
bool IsAmbientSpeechEnabled => !Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_AMBIENT_SPEECH_DISABLED, Handle)
- Public Attributes inherited from GTA.Entity
IntPtr MemoryAddress => SHVDN.NativeMemory.GetEntityAddress(Handle)
 Gets the memory address where the Entity is stored in memory. More...
EntityType EntityType => (EntityType)Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_ENTITY_TYPE, Handle)
 Gets the type of the current Entity. More...
bool IsDead => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_ENTITY_DEAD, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity is dead. More...
bool IsAlive => !IsDead
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity is alive. More...
Model Model => new Model(Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_ENTITY_MODEL, Handle))
 Gets the model of the current Entity. More...
virtual EntityBoneCollection Bones => _bones ?? (_bones = new EntityBoneCollection(this))
 Gets a collection of the EntityBones in this Entity. More...
float SubmersionLevel => Function.Call<float>(Hash.GET_ENTITY_SUBMERGED_LEVEL, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating how submersed this Entity is, 1.0f means the whole entity is submerged. More...
float HeightAboveGround => Function.Call<float>(Hash.GET_ENTITY_HEIGHT_ABOVE_GROUND, Handle)
 Gets how high above ground this Entity is. More...
bool IsOnFire => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_ENTITY_ON_FIRE, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity is on fire. More...
bool IsOnScreen => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_ENTITY_ON_SCREEN, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity is on screen. More...
bool IsUpright => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_ENTITY_UPRIGHT, Handle, 30.0f)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity is upright. More...
bool IsUpsideDown => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_ENTITY_UPSIDEDOWN, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity is upside down. More...
bool IsInAir => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_ENTITY_IN_AIR, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity is in the air. More...
bool IsInWater => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_ENTITY_IN_WATER, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity is in water. More...
bool HasCollided => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.HAS_ENTITY_COLLIDED_WITH_ANYTHING, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity has collided with anything. More...
MaterialHash MaterialCollidingWith => (MaterialHash)Function.Call<uint>(Hash.GET_LAST_MATERIAL_HIT_BY_ENTITY, Handle)
 Gets the material this Entity is pushing up against. More...


bool CanWearHelmet [set]
float?? Sweat [get, set]
 Gets or sets the how much sweat should be rendered on this Ped. More...
float WetnessHeight [set]
 Sets how high up on this Peds body water should be visible. More...
int Armor [get, set]
 Gets or sets how much Armor this Ped is wearing. More...
float???????? ArmorFloat [get, set]
int Money [get, set]
 Gets or sets how much money this Ped is carrying. More...
override int MaxHealth [get, set]
 Gets or sets the maximum health of this Ped as an int. More...
bool IsDucking [get, set]
bool AlwaysKeepTask [set]
bool BlockPermanentEvents [set]
 Sets whether permanent events are blocked for this Ped. If permanent events are blocked, this Ped will only do as it's told, and won't flee when shot at, etc. More...
bool CanRagdoll [get, set]
int Accuracy [get, set]
 Gets or sets how accurate this Peds shooting ability is. The higher the value of this property is, the more likely it is that this Ped will shoot at exactly where they are aiming at. More...
int ShootRate [set]
 Sets the rate this Ped will shoot at. More...
FiringPattern FiringPattern [set]
 Sets the pattern this Ped uses to fire weapons. More...
VehicleWeaponHashVehicleWeapon [get]
 Gets the vehicle weapon this Ped is using. More...
bool CanSwitchWeapons [set]
 Sets if this Ped can switch between different weapons. More...
bool CanBeDraggedOutOfVehicle [set]
bool CanBeKnockedOffBike [set]
bool CanFlyThroughWindscreen [get, set]
VehicleLastVehicle [get]
 Gets the last Vehicle this Ped used. More...
VehicleCurrentVehicle [get]
 Gets the current Vehicle this Ped is using. More...
VehicleVehicleTryingToEnter [get]
 Gets the Vehicle this Ped is trying to enter. More...
VehicleSeat???? SeatIndex [get]
 Gets the VehicleSeat this Ped is in. More...
float DrivingSpeed [set]
float MaxDrivingSpeed [set]
 Sets the maximum driving speed this Ped can drive at. More...
DrivingStyle DrivingStyle [set]
VehicleDrivingFlags VehicleDrivingFlags [set]
bool StaysInVehicleWhenJacked [set]
 Sets a value indicating whether this Ped will stay in the vehicle when the driver gets jacked. More...
PedJacker [get]
PedJackTarget [get]
bool IsEnemy [set]
bool IsPriorityTargetForEnemies [set]
bool CanBeTargetted [set]
bool CanBeShotInVehicle [set]
PedMeleeTarget [get]
bool CanWrithe [get, set]
bool??? CanSufferCriticalHits [get, set]
 Gets or Sets whether this Ped can suffer critical damage (which deals 1000 times base damages to non-player characters with default weapon configs) when bullets hit this Ped's head bone or its child bones. If this Ped can't suffer critical damage, they will take base damage of weapons when bullets hit their head bone or its child bones, just like when bullets hit a bone other than their head bone, its child bones, or limb bones. More...
bool DiesOnLowHealth [set]
bool DiesInstantlyInWater [set]
bool DrownsInWater [set]
bool DrownsInSinkingVehicle [set]
bool?? DropsEquippedWeaponOnDeath [get, set]
 Sets whether this Ped will drop the equipped weapon when they get killed. Note that Peds will drop only their equipped weapon when they get killed. More...
float???????? InjuryHealthThreshold [get, set]
 Gets or sets the injury health threshold for this Ped. The pedestrian is considered injured when its health drops below this value. The pedestrian dies on attacks when its health is below this value. More...
float???????? FatalInjuryHealthThreshold [get, set]
 Gets or sets the fatal injury health threshold for this Ped. The pedestrian health will be set to 0.0 when it drops below this value. More...
Vector3 LastWeaponImpactPosition [get]
RelationshipGroup RelationshipGroup [get, set]
bool NeverLeavesGroup [set]
bool CanPlayGestures [set]
bool IsPainAudioEnabled [set]
string Voice [set]
 Sets the voice to use when this Ped speaks. More...
string?? MovementAnimationSet [set]
 Sets the animation dictionary or set this Ped should use or null to clear it. More...
- Properties inherited from GTA.Entity
int Opacity [get, set]
 Gets or sets how opaque this Entity is. More...
int LodDistance [get, set]
 Gets or sets the level of detail distance of this Entity. More...
bool IsPersistent [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is persistent. More...
bool IsPositionFrozen [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is frozen. More...
int Health [get, set]
 Gets or sets the health of this Entity as an int. More...
virtual int MaxHealth [get, set]
 Gets or sets the maximum health of this Entity as an int. More...
float HealthFloat [get, set]
 Gets or sets the health of this Entity as a float. More...
float?? MaxHealthFloat [get, set]
 Gets or sets the maximum health of this Entity in float. More...
Matrix Matrix [get]
 Gets this Entitys matrix which stores position and rotation information. More...
virtual Vector3 Position [get, set]
 Gets or sets the position of this Entity. More...
Vector3 PositionNoOffset [set]
 Sets the position of this Entity without any offset. More...
virtual Vector3 Rotation [get, set]
 Gets or sets the rotation of this Entity. More...
float Heading [get, set]
 Gets or sets the heading of this Entity. More...
Quaternion Quaternion [get, set]
 Gets or sets the quaternion of this Entity. More...
Vector3 UpVector [get]
 Gets the vector that points above this Entity More...
Vector3 RightVector [get]
 Gets the vector that points to the right of this Entity More...
Vector3 ForwardVector [get]
 Gets the vector that points in front of this Entity More...
Vector3 LeftPosition [get]
 Gets a position directly to the left of this Entity More...
Vector3 RightPosition [get]
 Gets a position directly to the right of this Entity More...
Vector3 RearPosition [get]
 Gets a position directly behind this Entity More...
Vector3 FrontPosition [get]
 Gets a position directly in front of this Entity More...
Vector3 AbovePosition [get]
 Gets a position directly above this Entity More...
Vector3 BelowPosition [get]
 Gets a position directly below this Entity More...
float Speed [get, set]
 Gets or sets this Entitys speed. More...
float MaxSpeed [set]
 Sets the maximum speed this Entity can move at. More...
Vector3 Velocity [get, set]
 Gets or sets the velocity of this Entity. More...
Vector3 RotationVelocity [get]
 Gets the rotation velocity of this Entity. More...
bool IsFireProof [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is fire proof. More...
bool IsMeleeProof [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is melee proof. More...
bool IsBulletProof [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is bullet proof. More...
bool IsExplosionProof [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is explosion proof. More...
bool IsCollisionProof [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is collision proof. More...
bool IsInvincible [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is invincible. More...
bool IsOnlyDamagedByPlayer [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity can only be damaged by Players. More...
bool IsVisible [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is visible. More...
bool IsOccluded [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity is occluded. More...
bool IsRendered [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity is rendered. More...
bool HasGravity [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity has gravity. More...
bool IsCollisionEnabled [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity has collision. More...
bool IsRecordingCollisions [set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is recording collisions. More...
Blip AttachedBlip [get]
 Gets the Blip attached to this Entity. More...
Blip[] AttachedBlips [get]
 Gets an array of all Blips attached to this Entity. More...
Entity AttachedEntity [get]
 Gets the Entity this Entity is attached to. More...
- Properties inherited from GTA.PoolObject
int Handle [get, protected set]
 The handle of the object. More...
ulong NativeValue [get, set]
 The handle of the object translated to a native value. More...
- Properties inherited from GTA.Native.INativeValue
ulong NativeValue [get, set]
- Properties inherited from GTA.ISpatial
Vector3 Position [get, set]
Vector3 Rotation [get, set]

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Public Member Functions inherited from GTA.Entity
static Entity FromHandle (int handle)
 Creates a new instance of an Entity from the given handle. More...
static bool operator== (Entity left, Entity right)
 Determines if two Entitys refer to the same entity. More...
static bool operator!= (Entity left, Entity right)
 Determines if two Entitys don't refer to the same entity. More...
static implicit operator InputArgument (Entity value)
 Converts an Entity to a native input argument. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from GTA.PoolObject
 PoolObject (int handle)

Member Function Documentation

◆ ApplyDamage()

void GTA.Ped.ApplyDamage ( int  damageAmount)

◆ CancelRagdoll()

void GTA.Ped.CancelRagdoll ( )

◆ ClearBloodDamage()

void GTA.Ped.ClearBloodDamage ( )

◆ ClearLastWeaponDamage()

override void GTA.Ped.ClearLastWeaponDamage ( )

Clears the last weapon damage this Entity received.

Reimplemented from GTA.Entity.

◆ ClearVisibleDamage()

void GTA.Ped.ClearVisibleDamage ( )

◆ Clone()

Ped GTA.Ped.Clone ( float  heading = 0.0f)

Spawn an identical clone of this Ped.

headingThe direction the clone should be facing.

◆ Exists()

new bool GTA.Ped.Exists ( )

Determines if this Ped exists.

true if this Ped exists; otherwise, false

Reimplemented from GTA.Entity.

◆ GetConfigFlag()

bool GTA.Ped.GetConfigFlag ( int  flagID)

◆ GetRelationshipWithPed()

Relationship GTA.Ped.GetRelationshipWithPed ( Ped  ped)

◆ GiveHelmet()

void GTA.Ped.GiveHelmet ( bool  canBeRemovedByPed,
Helmet  helmetType,
int  textureIndex 

◆ HasBeenDamagedBy()

override bool GTA.Ped.HasBeenDamagedBy ( WeaponHash  weapon)

Determines whether this Entity has been damaged by a specific weapon].

weaponThe weapon to check.
true if this Entity has been damaged by the specified weapon; otherwise, false.

Reimplemented from GTA.Entity.

◆ HasBeenDamagedByAnyMeleeWeapon()

override bool GTA.Ped.HasBeenDamagedByAnyMeleeWeapon ( )

Determines whether this Entity has been damaged by any melee weapon.

true if this Entity has been damaged by any melee weapon; otherwise, false.

Reimplemented from GTA.Entity.

◆ HasBeenDamagedByAnyWeapon()

override bool GTA.Ped.HasBeenDamagedByAnyWeapon ( )

Determines whether this Entity has been damaged by any weapon.

true if this Entity has been damaged by any weapon; otherwise, false.

Reimplemented from GTA.Entity.

◆ IsHeadtracking()

bool GTA.Ped.IsHeadtracking ( Entity  entity)

◆ IsInCombatAgainst()

bool GTA.Ped.IsInCombatAgainst ( Ped  target)

◆ IsInVehicle() [1/2]

bool GTA.Ped.IsInVehicle ( )

◆ IsInVehicle() [2/2]

bool GTA.Ped.IsInVehicle ( Vehicle  vehicle)

◆ IsSittingInVehicle() [1/2]

bool GTA.Ped.IsSittingInVehicle ( )

◆ IsSittingInVehicle() [2/2]

bool GTA.Ped.IsSittingInVehicle ( Vehicle  vehicle)

◆ Kill()

void GTA.Ped.Kill ( )

Kills this Ped immediately.

◆ LeaveGroup()

void GTA.Ped.LeaveGroup ( )

◆ OpenParachute()

void GTA.Ped.OpenParachute ( )

◆ PlayAmbientSpeech() [1/2]

void GTA.Ped.PlayAmbientSpeech ( string  speechName,
SpeechModifier  modifier = SpeechModifier.Standard 

◆ PlayAmbientSpeech() [2/2]

void GTA.Ped.PlayAmbientSpeech ( string  speechName,
string  voiceName,
SpeechModifier  modifier = SpeechModifier.Standard 

◆ Ragdoll()

void GTA.Ped.Ragdoll ( int  duration = -1,
RagdollType  ragdollType = RagdollType.Normal 

◆ RemoveHelmet()

void GTA.Ped.RemoveHelmet ( bool  instantly)

◆ ResetConfigFlag()

void GTA.Ped.ResetConfigFlag ( int  flagID)

◆ Resurrect()

void GTA.Ped.Resurrect ( )

Resurrects this Ped from death.

◆ SetConfigFlag()

void GTA.Ped.SetConfigFlag ( int  flagID,
bool  value 

◆ SetIntoVehicle()

void GTA.Ped.SetIntoVehicle ( Vehicle  vehicle,
VehicleSeat  seat 

Member Data Documentation

◆ Bones

new PedBoneCollection GTA.Ped.Bones => _pedBones ?? (_pedBones = new PedBoneCollection(this))

Gets a collection of the PedBones in this Ped.

◆ Euphoria

Euphoria GTA.Ped.Euphoria => _euphoria ?? (_euphoria = new Euphoria(this))

Opens a list of GTA.NaturalMotion.Euphoria Helpers which can be applied to this Ped.

◆ Gender

Gender GTA.Ped.Gender => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_MALE, Handle) ? Gender.Male : Gender.Female

Gets the gender of this Ped.

◆ IsAiming

bool GTA.Ped.IsAiming => GetConfigFlag(78)

◆ IsAimingFromCover

bool GTA.Ped.IsAimingFromCover => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_AIMING_FROM_COVER, Handle)

◆ IsAmbientSpeechEnabled

bool GTA.Ped.IsAmbientSpeechEnabled => !Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_AMBIENT_SPEECH_DISABLED, Handle)

◆ IsAmbientSpeechPlaying

bool GTA.Ped.IsAmbientSpeechPlaying => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_AMBIENT_SPEECH_PLAYING, Handle)

◆ IsAnySpeechPlaying

bool GTA.Ped.IsAnySpeechPlaying => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_ANY_SPEECH_PLAYING, Handle)

◆ IsBeingJacked

bool GTA.Ped.IsBeingJacked => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_BEING_JACKED, Handle)

◆ IsBeingStealthKilled

bool GTA.Ped.IsBeingStealthKilled => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_BEING_STEALTH_KILLED, Handle)

◆ IsBeingStunned

bool GTA.Ped.IsBeingStunned => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_BEING_STUNNED, Handle)

◆ IsClimbing

bool GTA.Ped.IsClimbing => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_CLIMBING, Handle)

◆ IsCuffed

bool GTA.Ped.IsCuffed => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_CUFFED, Handle)

◆ IsDiving

bool GTA.Ped.IsDiving => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_DIVING, Handle)

◆ IsDoingDriveBy

bool GTA.Ped.IsDoingDriveBy => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_DOING_DRIVEBY, Handle)

◆ IsFalling

bool GTA.Ped.IsFalling => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_FALLING, Handle)

◆ IsFleeing

bool GTA.Ped.IsFleeing => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_FLEEING, Handle)

◆ IsGettingIntoVehicle

bool GTA.Ped.IsGettingIntoVehicle => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_GETTING_INTO_A_VEHICLE, Handle)

◆ IsGettingUp

bool GTA.Ped.IsGettingUp => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_GETTING_UP, Handle)

◆ IsGoingIntoCover

bool GTA.Ped.IsGoingIntoCover => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_GOING_INTO_COVER, Handle)

◆ IsHuman

bool GTA.Ped.IsHuman => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_HUMAN, Handle)

Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is human.

true if this Ped is human; otherwise, false.

◆ IsIdle

◆ IsInBoat

bool GTA.Ped.IsInBoat => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_ANY_BOAT, Handle)

◆ IsInCombat

bool GTA.Ped.IsInCombat => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_COMBAT, Handle)

◆ IsInCover

bool GTA.Ped.IsInCover => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_COVER, Handle, false)

◆ IsInCoverFacingLeft

bool GTA.Ped.IsInCoverFacingLeft => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_COVER_FACING_LEFT, Handle)

◆ IsInFlyingVehicle

bool GTA.Ped.IsInFlyingVehicle => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_FLYING_VEHICLE, Handle)

◆ IsInGroup

bool GTA.Ped.IsInGroup => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_GROUP, Handle)

Gets if this Ped is in a PedGroup.

◆ IsInHeli

bool GTA.Ped.IsInHeli => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_ANY_HELI, Handle)

◆ IsInjured

bool GTA.Ped.IsInjured => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_INJURED, Handle)

◆ IsInMeleeCombat

bool GTA.Ped.IsInMeleeCombat => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_MELEE_COMBAT, Handle)

◆ IsInParachuteFreeFall

bool GTA.Ped.IsInParachuteFreeFall => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_PARACHUTE_FREE_FALL, Handle)

◆ IsInPlane

bool GTA.Ped.IsInPlane => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_ANY_PLANE, Handle)

◆ IsInPoliceVehicle

bool GTA.Ped.IsInPoliceVehicle => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_ANY_POLICE_VEHICLE, Handle)

◆ IsInStealthMode

bool GTA.Ped.IsInStealthMode => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.GET_PED_STEALTH_MOVEMENT, Handle)

◆ IsInSub

bool GTA.Ped.IsInSub => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_ANY_SUB, Handle)

◆ IsInTaxi

bool GTA.Ped.IsInTaxi => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_ANY_TAXI, Handle)

◆ IsInTrain

bool GTA.Ped.IsInTrain => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_IN_ANY_TRAIN, Handle)

◆ IsJacking

bool GTA.Ped.IsJacking => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_JACKING, Handle)

◆ IsJumping

bool GTA.Ped.IsJumping => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_JUMPING, Handle)

◆ IsJumpingOutOfVehicle

bool GTA.Ped.IsJumpingOutOfVehicle => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_JUMPING_OUT_OF_VEHICLE, Handle)

Gets a value indicating whether this Ped is jumping out of their vehicle.

true if this Ped is jumping out of their vehicle; otherwise, false.

◆ IsOnBike

bool GTA.Ped.IsOnBike => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_ON_ANY_BIKE, Handle)

◆ IsOnFoot

bool GTA.Ped.IsOnFoot => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_ON_FOOT, Handle)

◆ IsPerformingStealthKill

bool GTA.Ped.IsPerformingStealthKill => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_PERFORMING_STEALTH_KILL, Handle)

◆ IsPlantingBomb

bool GTA.Ped.IsPlantingBomb => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_PLANTING_BOMB, Handle)

◆ IsPlayer

bool GTA.Ped.IsPlayer => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_A_PLAYER, Handle)

◆ IsProne

bool GTA.Ped.IsProne => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_PRONE, Handle)

◆ IsRagdoll

bool GTA.Ped.IsRagdoll => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_RAGDOLL, Handle)

◆ IsReloading

bool GTA.Ped.IsReloading => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_RELOADING, Handle)

◆ IsRunning

bool GTA.Ped.IsRunning => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_RUNNING, Handle)

◆ IsScriptedSpeechPlaying

bool GTA.Ped.IsScriptedSpeechPlaying => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_SCRIPTED_SPEECH_PLAYING, Handle)

◆ IsShooting

bool GTA.Ped.IsShooting => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_SHOOTING, Handle)

◆ IsSprinting

bool GTA.Ped.IsSprinting => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_SPRINTING, Handle)

◆ IsStopped

bool GTA.Ped.IsStopped => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_STOPPED, Handle)

◆ IsSwimming

bool GTA.Ped.IsSwimming => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_SWIMMING, Handle)

◆ IsSwimmingUnderWater

bool GTA.Ped.IsSwimmingUnderWater => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_SWIMMING_UNDER_WATER, Handle)

◆ IsTryingToEnterALockedVehicle

bool GTA.Ped.IsTryingToEnterALockedVehicle => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_TRYING_TO_ENTER_A_LOCKED_VEHICLE, Handle)

◆ IsVaulting

bool GTA.Ped.IsVaulting => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_VAULTING, Handle)

◆ IsWalking

bool GTA.Ped.IsWalking => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_WALKING, Handle)

◆ IsWearingHelmet

bool GTA.Ped.IsWearingHelmet => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_PED_WEARING_HELMET, Handle)

◆ Killer

Entity GTA.Ped.Killer => FromHandle(Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_PED_SOURCE_OF_DEATH, Handle))

◆ ParachuteLandingType

ParachuteLandingType GTA.Ped.ParachuteLandingType => Function.Call<ParachuteLandingType>(Hash.GET_PED_PARACHUTE_LANDING_TYPE, Handle)

◆ ParachuteState

ParachuteState GTA.Ped.ParachuteState => Function.Call<ParachuteState>(Hash.GET_PED_PARACHUTE_STATE, Handle)

◆ PedGroup

PedGroup GTA.Ped.PedGroup => IsInGroup ? new PedGroup(Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_PED_GROUP_INDEX, Handle, false)) : null

Gets the PedGroup this Ped is in.

◆ Style

Style GTA.Ped.Style => _style ?? (_style = new Style(this))

Opens a list of clothing and prop configurations that this Ped can wear.

◆ Task

TaskInvoker GTA.Ped.Task => _tasks ?? (_tasks = new TaskInvoker(this))

Opens a list of TaskInvoker that this Ped can carry out.

◆ TaskSequenceProgress

int GTA.Ped.TaskSequenceProgress => Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_SEQUENCE_PROGRESS, Handle)

Gets the stage of the TaskSequence this Ped is currently executing.

◆ WasKilledByStealth

bool GTA.Ped.WasKilledByStealth => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.WAS_PED_KILLED_BY_STEALTH, Handle)

Gets a value indicating whether this Ped was killed by a stealth attack.

true if this Ped was killed by stealth; otherwise, false.

◆ WasKilledByTakedown

bool GTA.Ped.WasKilledByTakedown => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.WAS_PED_KILLED_BY_TAKEDOWN, Handle)

Gets a value indicating whether this Ped was killed by a takedown.

true if this Ped was killed by a takedown; otherwise, false.

◆ Weapons

WeaponCollection GTA.Ped.Weapons => _weapons ?? (_weapons = new WeaponCollection(this))

Gets a collection of all this Peds Weapons.

Property Documentation

◆ Accuracy

int GTA.Ped.Accuracy

Gets or sets how accurate this Peds shooting ability is. The higher the value of this property is, the more likely it is that this Ped will shoot at exactly where they are aiming at.

The accuracy from 0 to 100, 0 being very inaccurate, which means this Ped cannot shoot at exactly where they are aiming at, 100 being perfectly accurate.

◆ AlwaysKeepTask

bool GTA.Ped.AlwaysKeepTask

◆ Armor

int GTA.Ped.Armor

Gets or sets how much Armor this Ped is wearing.

if you need to get or set the value strictly, use ArmorFloat instead.

◆ ArmorFloat

float???????? GTA.Ped.ArmorFloat

◆ BlockPermanentEvents

bool GTA.Ped.BlockPermanentEvents

Sets whether permanent events are blocked for this Ped. If permanent events are blocked, this Ped will only do as it's told, and won't flee when shot at, etc.

true if permanent events are blocked; otherwise, false.

◆ CanBeDraggedOutOfVehicle

bool GTA.Ped.CanBeDraggedOutOfVehicle

◆ CanBeKnockedOffBike

bool GTA.Ped.CanBeKnockedOffBike

◆ CanBeShotInVehicle

bool GTA.Ped.CanBeShotInVehicle

◆ CanBeTargetted

bool GTA.Ped.CanBeTargetted

◆ CanFlyThroughWindscreen

bool GTA.Ped.CanFlyThroughWindscreen

◆ CanPlayGestures

bool GTA.Ped.CanPlayGestures

◆ CanRagdoll

bool GTA.Ped.CanRagdoll

◆ CanSufferCriticalHits

bool??? GTA.Ped.CanSufferCriticalHits

Gets or Sets whether this Ped can suffer critical damage (which deals 1000 times base damages to non-player characters with default weapon configs) when bullets hit this Ped's head bone or its child bones. If this Ped can't suffer critical damage, they will take base damage of weapons when bullets hit their head bone or its child bones, just like when bullets hit a bone other than their head bone, its child bones, or limb bones.

true if this Ped can suffer critical damage; otherwise, false.

◆ CanSwitchWeapons

bool GTA.Ped.CanSwitchWeapons

Sets if this Ped can switch between different weapons.

◆ CanWearHelmet

bool GTA.Ped.CanWearHelmet

◆ CanWrithe

bool GTA.Ped.CanWrithe

◆ CurrentVehicle

Vehicle? GTA.Ped.CurrentVehicle

Gets the current Vehicle this Ped is using.

returns null if this Ped isn't in a Vehicle.

◆ DiesInstantlyInWater

bool GTA.Ped.DiesInstantlyInWater

◆ DiesOnLowHealth

bool GTA.Ped.DiesOnLowHealth

◆ DrivingSpeed

float GTA.Ped.DrivingSpeed

◆ DrivingStyle

DrivingStyle GTA.Ped.DrivingStyle

◆ DropsEquippedWeaponOnDeath

bool?? GTA.Ped.DropsEquippedWeaponOnDeath

Sets whether this Ped will drop the equipped weapon when they get killed. Note that Peds will drop only their equipped weapon when they get killed.

true if Ped drops the equipped weapon when killed; otherwise, false.

◆ DrownsInSinkingVehicle

bool GTA.Ped.DrownsInSinkingVehicle

◆ DrownsInWater

bool GTA.Ped.DrownsInWater

◆ FatalInjuryHealthThreshold

float???????? GTA.Ped.FatalInjuryHealthThreshold

Gets or sets the fatal injury health threshold for this Ped. The pedestrian health will be set to 0.0 when it drops below this value.

The fatal injury health threshold. Should be below Entity.MaxHealth.

Note on player controlled pedestrians: One of the game scripts will consider the player wasted when their health drops below Ped.InjuryHealthThreshold, regardless of this setting.

◆ FiringPattern

FiringPattern GTA.Ped.FiringPattern

Sets the pattern this Ped uses to fire weapons.

◆ InjuryHealthThreshold

float???????? GTA.Ped.InjuryHealthThreshold

Gets or sets the injury health threshold for this Ped. The pedestrian is considered injured when its health drops below this value. The pedestrian dies on attacks when its health is below this value.

The injury health threshold. Should be below Entity.MaxHealth.

Note on player controlled pedestrians: One of the game scripts will consider the player wasted when their health drops below this setting value.

◆ IsDucking

bool GTA.Ped.IsDucking

◆ IsEnemy

bool GTA.Ped.IsEnemy

◆ IsPainAudioEnabled

bool GTA.Ped.IsPainAudioEnabled

◆ IsPriorityTargetForEnemies

bool GTA.Ped.IsPriorityTargetForEnemies

◆ Jacker

Ped? GTA.Ped.Jacker

◆ JackTarget

Ped? GTA.Ped.JackTarget

◆ LastVehicle

Vehicle? GTA.Ped.LastVehicle

Gets the last Vehicle this Ped used.

returns null if the last vehicle doesn't exist.

◆ LastWeaponImpactPosition

Vector3 GTA.Ped.LastWeaponImpactPosition

◆ MaxDrivingSpeed

float GTA.Ped.MaxDrivingSpeed

Sets the maximum driving speed this Ped can drive at.

◆ MaxHealth

override int GTA.Ped.MaxHealth

Gets or sets the maximum health of this Ped as an int.

The maximum health as an integer.

◆ MeleeTarget

Ped? GTA.Ped.MeleeTarget

◆ Money

int GTA.Ped.Money

Gets or sets how much money this Ped is carrying.

◆ MovementAnimationSet

string?? GTA.Ped.MovementAnimationSet

Sets the animation dictionary or set this Ped should use or null to clear it.

◆ NeverLeavesGroup

bool GTA.Ped.NeverLeavesGroup

◆ RelationshipGroup

RelationshipGroup GTA.Ped.RelationshipGroup

◆ SeatIndex

VehicleSeat???? GTA.Ped.SeatIndex

Gets the VehicleSeat this Ped is in.

The VehicleSeat this Ped is in if this Ped is in a Vehicle; otherwise, VehicleSeat.None.

◆ ShootRate

int GTA.Ped.ShootRate

Sets the rate this Ped will shoot at.

The shoot rate from 0.0f to 1000.0f, 100.0f is the default value.

◆ StaysInVehicleWhenJacked

bool GTA.Ped.StaysInVehicleWhenJacked

Sets a value indicating whether this Ped will stay in the vehicle when the driver gets jacked.

true if Ped stays in vehicle when jacked; otherwise, false.

◆ Sweat

float?? GTA.Ped.Sweat

Gets or sets the how much sweat should be rendered on this Ped.

The sweat from 0 to 100, 0 being no sweat, 100 being saturated.

◆ VehicleDrivingFlags

VehicleDrivingFlags GTA.Ped.VehicleDrivingFlags

◆ VehicleTryingToEnter

Vehicle? GTA.Ped.VehicleTryingToEnter

Gets the Vehicle this Ped is trying to enter.

returns null if this Ped isn't trying to enter a Vehicle.

◆ VehicleWeapon

VehicleWeaponHash? GTA.Ped.VehicleWeapon

Gets the vehicle weapon this Ped is using.

The vehicle weapon, returns VehicleWeaponHash.Invalid if this Ped isnt using a vehicle weapon.

◆ Voice

string GTA.Ped.Voice

Sets the voice to use when this Ped speaks.

◆ WetnessHeight

float GTA.Ped.WetnessHeight

Sets how high up on this Peds body water should be visible.

The height ranges from 0.0f to 1.99f, 0.0f being no water visible, 1.99f being covered in water.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: