Class ConfigureSelfAvoidanceHelper
This single message allows to configure self avoidance for the character.BBDD Self avoidance tech.
Inherited Members
Namespace: GTA.NaturalMotion
Assembly: ScriptHookVDotNet2.dll
public sealed class ConfigureSelfAvoidanceHelper : CustomHelper
Name | Description |
ConfigureSelfAvoidanceHelper(Ped) | Creates a new Instance of the ConfigureSelfAvoidanceHelper for sending a ConfigureSelfAvoidance Message to a given Ped. |
Name | Description |
MaxTorsoSwingAngleRad | Max value on the effector (wrist) to adjusted target offset. |
OverwriteDragReduction | Specify whether self avoidance tech should use original IK input target or the target that has been already modified by getStabilisedPos() tech i.e. function that compensates for rotational and linear velocity of shoulder/thigh. |
OverwriteTwist | Overwrite desired IK twist with self avoidance procedural twist. |
Radius | Self avoidance radius, measured out from the spine axis along the plane perpendicular to that axis. The closer is the proximity of reaching target to that radius, the more polar (curved) motion is used for offsetting the target. WARNING: Parameter only used by the alternative algorithm that is based on linear and polar target blending. |
SelfAvoidAmount | Amount of self avoidance offset applied when angle from effector (wrist) to target is greater then right angle i.e. when total offset is a blend between where effector currently is to value that is a product of total arm length and selfAvoidAmount. SelfAvoidAmount is in a range between [0, 1]. |
SelfAvoidIfInSpineBoundsOnly | Restrict self avoidance to operate on targets that are within character torso bounds only. |
TorsoSwingFraction | Place the adjusted target this much along the arc between effector (wrist) and target, value in range [0,1]. |
UsePolarPathAlgorithm | Use the alternative self avoidance algorithm that is based on linear and polar target blending. WARNING: It only requires "radius" in terms of parametrization. |
UseSelfAvoidance | Enable or disable self avoidance tech. |