Class RollDownStairsHelper
Inherited Members
Namespace: GTA.NaturalMotion
Assembly: ScriptHookVDotNet2.dll
public sealed class RollDownStairsHelper : CustomHelper
Name | Description |
RollDownStairsHelper(Ped) | Creates a new Instance of the RollDownStairsHelper for sending a RollDownStairs Message to a given Ped. |
Name | Description |
AirborneReduction | Ordinarily keep at 0.85. Make this lower if you want spinning in the air. |
ApplyFoetalToLegs | If true, use rollup for upper body and a kind of foetal behavior for legs. |
ApplyHelPerTorqueToAlign | Apply torque to align the body orthogonally to the direction of the roll. |
ApplyMinMaxFriction | Pass-through to Roll Up. Controls whether or not behavior enforces min/max friction. |
ApplyNewRollingCheatingTorques | If true will use the new way to apply cheating torques (like in fallOverWall), otherwise will use the old way. |
ArmReachLength | The length that the arm reaches and so how much it straightens. |
AsymmetricalLegs | 0 is no leg asymmetry in 'foetal' position. greater than 0 a asymmetricalLegs-rand(30%), added/minus each joint of the legs in radians. Random number changes about once every roll. 0.4 gives a lot of asymmetry. |
CustomRollDir | Pass in a custom direction in to have the character try and roll in that direction. |
Damping | Effector Damping. |
DelayToAlignBody | Only used if applyHelPerTorqueToAlign defined to true : delay to start to apply torques. |
Forcemag | Helper force strength. Do not go above 1 for a rollDownStairs/roll along ground reaction. |
LimitSpinReduction | Scale zAxisSpinReduction back when rotating end-over-end (somersault) to give the body a chance to align with the axis of rotation. |
M_armReachAmount | How much the character reaches with his arms to brace against the ground. |
M_legPush | Amount that the legs push outwards when tumbling. |
M_useArmToSlowDown | The degree to which the character will try to stop a barrel roll with his arms. |
MagOfTorqueToAlign | Only used if applyHelPerTorqueToAlign defined to true : magnitude of the torque to align orthogonally the body. |
MagOfTorqueToRoll | Only used if applyNewRollingCheatingTorques defined to true : magnitude of the torque to roll down the stairs. |
MaxAngVel | Only used if applyNewRollingCheatingTorques defined to true : maximal angular velocity of the roll to apply cheating torque. |
MaxAngVelAroundFrontwardAxis | Only used if applyNewRollingCheatingTorques or applyHelPerTorqueToAlign defined to true : maximal angular velocity around frontward axis of the pelvis to apply cheating torques. |
MinAngVel | Only used if applyNewRollingCheatingTorques or applyHelPerTorqueToAlign defined to true : minimal angular velocity of the roll to apply cheating torques. |
MovementLegsInFoetalPosition | Only used if applyFoetalToLegs = true : define the variation of angles for the joints of the legs. |
OnlyApplyHelperForces | Don't use rollup if true. |
SpinWhenInAir | Applied cheat forces to spin the character when in the air, the forces are 40% of the forces applied when touching the ground. Be careful little bunny rabbits, the character could spin unnaturally in the air. |
Stiffness | Effector Stiffness. Value feeds through to rollUp directly. |
StiffnessDecayTarget | The target linear velocity used to start the rolling. |
StiffnessDecayTime | Time, in seconds, to decay stiffness down to the stiffnessDecayTarget value (or -1 to disable). |
TargetLinearVelocity | Helper torques are applied to match the spin of the character to the max of targetLinearVelocity and COMVelMag. |
TargetLinearVelocityDecayTime | Time for the targetlinearVelocity to decay to zero. |
TryToAvoidHeadButtingGround | Blends between a zeroPose and the Rollup, Faster the character is rotating the less the zeroPose. |
UseCustomRollDir | Pass in true to use the customRollDir parameter. |
UseRelativeVelocity | UseVelocityOfObjectBelow uses a relative velocity of the character to the object underneath. |
UseVelocityOfObjectBelow | Scale applied cheat forces/torques to (zero) if object underneath character has velocity greater than 1.f. |
UseZeroPose | Blends between a zeroPose and the Rollup, Faster the character is rotating the less the zeroPose. |
ZAxisSpinReduction | Tries to reduce the spin around the z axis. Scale 0 - 1. |