Class ShotConfigureArmsHelper
Configure the arm reactions in shot.
Inherited Members
Namespace: GTA.NaturalMotion
Assembly: ScriptHookVDotNet2.dll
public sealed class ShotConfigureArmsHelper : CustomHelper
Name | Description |
ShotConfigureArmsHelper(Ped) | Creates a new Instance of the ShotConfigureArmsHelper for sending a ShotConfigureArms Message to a given Ped. |
Name | Description |
AllowLeftPistolRFW | Allow character to reach for wound with left hand if holding a pistol. It never will for a rifle. If pointGun is running this will only happen if the hand cannot point and pointGun:poseUnusedGunArm = false. |
AllowRightPistolRFW | Allow character to reach for wound with right hand if holding a pistol. It never will for a rifle. If pointGun is running this will only happen if the hand cannot point and pointGun:poseUnusedGunArm = false. |
AlwaysReachTime | Inhibit arms brace for this amount of time after reachForWound has begun. |
AWRadiusMult | For armsWindmill, multiplier on character speed - increase of radii is proportional to character speed (max radius increase = 0.45). E.g. lowering the value increases the range of velocity that the 0-0.45 is applied over. |
AWSpeedMult | For armsWindmill, multiplier on character speed - increase of speed of circling is proportional to character speed (max speed of circliing increase = 1.5). Eg. lowering the value increases the range of velocity that the 0-1.5 is applied over. |
AWStiffnessAdd | For armsWindmill, added arm stiffness ranges from 0 to AWStiffnessAdd. |
Brace | Blind brace with arms if appropriate. |
Bust | Has the character got a bust. If so then cupBust (move bust reach targets below bust) or bustElbowLift and cupSize (stop upperArm penetrating bust and move bust targets to surface of bust) are implemented. |
BustElbowLift | Lift the elbows up this much extra to avoid upper arm penetrating the bust (when target hits spine2 or spine3). |
CupBust | All reach targets above or on the bust will cause a reach below the bust. (specifically moves spine3 and spine2 targets to spine1). BustElbowLift and cupSize are ignored. |
CupSize | Amount reach target to bust (spine2) will be offset forward by. |
Fling2 | Type of reaction. |
Fling2AngleMaxL | Maximum fling angle for left arm. |
Fling2AngleMaxR | Maximum fling angle for right arm. |
Fling2AngleMinL | Minimum fling angle for left arm. Fling angle is random in the range fling2AngleMin:fling2AngleMax. Angle of fling in radians measured from the body horizontal sideways from shoulder. Positive is up, 0 shoulder level, negative down. |
Fling2AngleMinR | Minimum fling angle for right arm. |
Fling2Left | Fling the left arm. |
Fling2LengthMaxL | Maximum left arm length. |
Fling2LengthMaxR | Max right arm length. |
Fling2LengthMinL | Minimum left arm length. Arm length is random in the range fling2LengthMin:fling2LengthMax. Arm length maps one to one with elbow angle. These values are scaled internally for the female character. |
Fling2LengthMinR | Min right arm length. |
Fling2MStiffL | Muscle stiffness of the left arm. If negative then uses the shots underlying muscle stiffness from controlStiffness (i.e. respects looseness). |
Fling2MStiffR | Muscle stiffness of the right arm. If negative then uses the shots underlying muscle stiffness from controlStiffness (i.e. respects looseness). |
Fling2OverrideStagger | Override stagger arms even if staggerFall:m_upperBodyReaction = true. |
Fling2RelaxTimeL | Maximum time before the left arm relaxes in the fling. It will relax automatically when the arm has completed it's bent arm fling. This is what causes the arm to straighten. |
Fling2RelaxTimeR | Maximum time before the right arm relaxes in the fling. It will relax automatically when the arm has completed it's bent arm fling. This is what causes the arm to straighten. |
Fling2Right | Fling the right arm. |
Fling2Time | Duration of the fling behavior. |
Fling2TimeBefore | Time after hit that the fling will start (allows for a bit of loose arm movement from bullet impact.snap etc). |
PointGun | Point gun if appropriate. |
ReachFalling | Reach for wound when falling. 0 = false, 1 = true, 2 = once per shot performance. |
ReachFallingWithOneHand | Force character to reach for wound with only one hand when falling or fallen. 0 = allow two-handed reach, 1 = left only if two-handed possible, 2 = right only if two-handed possible, 3 = one handed but automatic (allows switching of hands). |
ReachOnFloor | ReachForWound when on floor - 0 = false, 1 = true, 2 = once per shot performance. |
ReachWithOneHand | Force character to reach for wound with only one hand. 0 = allow two-handed reach, 1 = left only if two-handed possible, 2 = right only if two-handed possible. |
ReleaseWound | Release wound if going sideways/forward fast enough. 0 = don't. 1 = only if bracing. 2 = any default arm reaction. |
RfwWithPistol | Override pointGun and reachForWound if desired if holding a pistol. It never will for a rifle. |
UseArmsWindmill | ArmsWindmill if going backwards fast enough. |