Class SmartFallHelper
Clone of High Fall with a wider range of operating conditions.
Inherited Members
Namespace: GTA.NaturalMotion
Assembly: ScriptHookVDotNet2.dll
public sealed class SmartFallHelper : CustomHelper
Name | Description |
SmartFallHelper(Ped) | Creates a new Instance of the SmartFallHelper for sending a SmartFall Message to a given Ped. |
Name | Description |
AdaptiveCircling | Stunt man type fall. Arm and legs circling direction controlled by angmom and orientation. |
AimAngleBase | Angle from vertical the pdController is driving to (positive = forwards). |
AlanRickman | If true then orientate the character to face the point from where it started falling. High fall like the one in "Die Hard" with Alan Rickman. |
ArmAmplitude | In armWindMillAdaptive. |
ArmAngSpeed | Arm circling speed in armWindMillAdaptive. |
ArmBendElbows | In armWindMillAdaptive bend the elbows as a function of armAngle. For stunt man true otherwise false. |
ArmPhase | In armWindMillAdaptive 3.1 opposite for stuntman. 1.0 old default. 0.0 in phase. |
Arms2LegsPhase | Phase angle between the arms and legs circling angle. |
Arms2LegsSync | Syncs the arms angle to what the leg angle is. |
ArmsUp | Where to put the arms when preparing to land. Approx 1 = above head, 0 = head height, -1 = down. LT -2.0 use catchFall arms, LT -3.0 use prepare for landing pose if Agent is due to land vertically, feet first. |
Balance | If true have enough strength to balance. If false not enough strength in legs to balance (even though bodyBlance called). |
BlendHeadWhenStopped | Blend head to neutral pose com vel approaches zero. Linear between zero and value. Set to zero to disable. |
Bodydamping | The damping of the joints. |
BodyStiffness | Stiffness of body. Value feeds through to bodyBalance (synced with defaults), to armsWindmill (14 for this value at default ), legs pedal, head look and roll down stairs directly. |
CatchFallCutOff | 0.5angle is 0.878 dot. Cutoff to go to the catchFall (internal) //mmmtodo do like crashOrLandCutOff. |
Catchfalltime | The length of time before the impact that the character transitions to the landing. |
CfZAxisSpinReduction | Pass-through parameter for Catch Fall spin reduction. Increase to stop more spin. 0..1. |
ChangeExtremityFriction | Allow friction changes to be applied to the hands and feet. |
CrashOrLandCutOff | 0.52angle is 0.868 dot//A threshold for deciding how far away from upright the character needs to be before bailing out (going into a foetal) instead of trying to land (keeping stretched out). NB: never does bailout if ignorWorldCollisions true. |
FootVelCompScale | Scale to change to amount of vel that is added to the foot ik from the velocity (Internal). |
ForceHeadAvoid | Force head avoid to be active during Catch Fall even when character is not on the ground. |
FowardOffsetOfLegIK | Forward offset for the feet during prepareForLanding. |
FowardRoll | Try to execute a forward Roll on landing. |
FowardVelRotation | Scale to add/subtract from aimAngle based on forward speed (Internal). |
Hula | With stunt man type fall. Hula reaction if can't see floor and not rotating fast. |
IgnorWorldCollisions | Never go into bailout (foetal). |
InitialState | Force initial state (used in vehicle bail out to start SF_CatchFall (6) earlier. |
LandingNormal | Ray-cast normal doted with up direction has to be greater than this number to consider object flat enough to land on it. |
LegAngSpeed | In pedal. |
LegAsymmetry | 0.0 for stunt man. Random offset applied per leg to the angular speed to desynchronize the pedaling - set to 0 to disable, otherwise should be set to less than the angularSpeed value. |
LegL | Leg Length for ik (Internal)//unused. |
LegRadius | Radius of legs on pedal. |
LegStrength | Strength of the legs at landing. |
MaxSpeedForRecoverableFall | Character needs to be moving less than this speed to consider fall as a recoverable one. |
MinSpeedForBrace | Character needs to be moving at least this fast horizontally to start bracing for impact if there is an object along its trajectory. |
OrientateBodyToFallDirection | Toggle to orientate to fall direction. i.e. orientate so that the character faces the horizontal velocity direction. |
OrientateMax | DEVEL parameter - suggest you don't edit it. Maximum torque the orientation controller can apply. If 0 then no helper torques will be used. 300 will orientate the character softly for all but extreme angles away from aimAngleBase. If abs (current -aimAngleBase) is getting near 3.0 then this can be reduced to give a softer feel. |
OrientateTwist | If false don't worry about the twist angle of the character when orientating the character. If false this allows the twist axis of the character to be free (You can get a nice twisting highFall like the one in dieHard 4 when the car goes into the helicopter). |
PdDamping | Damping multiplier of the controller to keep the character at angle aimAngleBase from vertical. The actual damping is pdDampingpdStrengthconstant*angVel. |
PdStrength | Strength of the controller to keep the character at angle aimAngleBase from vertical. |
RdsForceMag | |
RdsForceVelThreshold | Velocity threshold under which RDS force mag will be applied. |
RdsStartingFriction | Catch Fall/RDS starting friction. Catch fall will overwrite based on setFallingReaction. |
RdsStartingFrictionMin | Catch Fall/RDS starting friction minimum. Catch fall will overwrite based on setFallingReaction. |
RdsTargetLinearVelocity | RDS: Helper torques are applied to match the spin of the character to the max of targetLinearVelocity and COMVelMag. -1 to use initial character velocity. |
RdsTargetLinVeDecayTime | RDS: Time for the targetlinearVelocity to decay to zero. |
RdsUseStartingFriction | Start Catch Fall/RDS state with specified friction. Catch fall will overwrite based on setFallingReaction. |
ReboundMask | Part mask to apply rebound assistance. |
ReboundScale | Scale for rebound assistance. 0 = off, 1 = very bouncy, 2 = jbone crazy. |
SideD | Sideoffset for the feet during prepareForLanding. +ve = right. |
SplatWhenStopped | Transition to splat state when com vel is below value, regardless of character health or fall velocity. Set to zero to disable. |
SpreadLegs | Spread legs amount for pedal during fall. |
StopRollingTime | Time in seconds before ped should start actively trying to stop rolling. |
Teeter | Set up an immediate teeter in the direction of trave if initial state is SF_Balance. |
TeeterOffset | Offset the default Teeter edge in the direction of travel. Will need to be tweaked depending on how close to the real edge AI tends to trigger the behavior. |
UseZeroPose_withFowardRoll | Blend to a zero pose when forward roll is attempted. |