An ASI plugin for Grand Theft Auto V, which allows running scripts written in any .NET language in-game. Developed by crosire
GTA.Vehicle Class Reference
Inheritance diagram for GTA.Vehicle:
GTA.Entity GTA.PoolObject GTA.ISpatial GTA.Native.INativeValue GTA.IDeletable GTA.IExistable

Public Member Functions

void Repair ()
 Repair all damage to this Vehicle instantaneously. More...
void Explode ()
 Explode this Vehicle instantaneously. More...
new bool Exists ()
 Determines if this Vehicle exists. More...
void Wash ()
bool IsExtraOn (int extra)
bool ExtraExists (int extra)
void ToggleExtra (int extra, bool toggle)
void StartAlarm ()
 Starts sounding the alarm on this Vehicle. More...
void SoundHorn (int duration)
 Sounds the horn on this Vehicle. More...
void ApplyDamage (Vector3 position, float damageAmount, float radius)
Ped GetPedOnSeat (VehicleSeat seat)
Ped CreatePedOnSeat (VehicleSeat seat, Model model)
Ped CreateRandomPedOnSeat (VehicleSeat seat)
bool IsSeatFree (VehicleSeat seat)
bool PlaceOnGround ()
void PlaceOnNextStreet ()
void TowVehicle (Vehicle vehicle, bool rear)
void DetachFromTowTruck ()
void DetachTowedVehicle ()
void OpenBombBay ()
void CloseBombBay ()
void SetHeliYawPitchRollMult (float mult)
void DropCargobobHook (CargobobHook hook)
void RetractCargobobHook ()
bool IsCargobobHookActive ()
bool IsCargobobHookActive (CargobobHook hook)
void CargoBobMagnetGrabVehicle ()
void CargoBobMagnetReleaseVehicle ()
- Public Member Functions inherited from GTA.Entity
void ResetOpacity ()
 Resets the Entity opacity.

See also

. More...

Vector3 GetOffsetPosition (Vector3 offset)
 Gets the position in world coordinates of an offset relative this Entity More...
Vector3 GetPositionOffset (Vector3 worldCoords)
 Gets the relative offset of this Entity from a world coordinates position More...
bool HasBeenDamagedBy (Entity entity)
 Determines whether this Entity has been damaged by a specified Entity. More...
virtual bool HasBeenDamagedBy (WeaponHash weapon)
 Determines whether this Entity has been damaged by a specific weapon]. More...
virtual bool HasBeenDamagedByAnyWeapon ()
 Determines whether this Entity has been damaged by any weapon. More...
virtual bool HasBeenDamagedByAnyMeleeWeapon ()
 Determines whether this Entity has been damaged by any melee weapon. More...
virtual void ClearLastWeaponDamage ()
 Clears the last weapon damage this Entity received. More...
void RemoveParticleEffects ()
 Stops all particle effects attached to this Entity More...
void SetNoCollision (Entity entity, bool toggle)
 Sets the collision between this Entity and another Entity More...
bool IsInArea (Vector3 minBounds, Vector3 maxBounds)
 Determines whether this Entity is in a specified area More...
bool IsInAngledArea (Vector3 origin, Vector3 edge, float angle)
 Determines whether this Entity is in a specified angled area More...
bool IsInRange (Vector3 position, float range)
 Determines whether this Entity is in range of a specified position More...
bool IsNearEntity (Entity entity, Vector3 bounds)
 Determines whether this Entity is near a specified Entity. More...
bool IsTouching (Model model)
 Determines whether this Entity is touching an Entity with the Model model . More...
bool IsTouching (Entity entity)
 Determines whether this Entity is touching the Entity entity . More...
Blip AddBlip ()
 Creates a Blip on this Entity More...
void Detach ()
 Detaches this Entity from any Entity it may be attached to. More...
void AttachTo (Entity entity, Vector3 position=default, Vector3 rotation=default)
 Attaches this Entity to a different Entity More...
void AttachTo (EntityBone entityBone, Vector3 position=default, Vector3 rotation=default)
 Attaches this Entity to a different Entity More...
bool IsAttached ()
 Determines whether this Entity is attached to any other Entity. More...
bool IsAttachedTo (Entity entity)
 Determines whether this Entity is attached to the specified Entity. More...
void ApplyForce (Vector3 direction, Vector3 rotation=default, ForceType forceType=ForceType.MaxForceRot2)
 Applies a force to this Entity. More...
void ApplyForceRelative (Vector3 direction, Vector3 rotation=default, ForceType forceType=ForceType.MaxForceRot2)
 Applies a force to this Entity. More...
void MarkAsNoLongerNeeded ()
 Marks this Entity as no longer needed letting the game delete it when its too far away. More...
override void Delete ()
 Destroys this Entity. More...
override bool Equals (object obj)
 Determines if an object refers to the same entity as this Entity. More...
override int GetHashCode ()

Static Public Member Functions

static string GetModelDisplayName (Model vehicleModel)
static string GetClassDisplayName (VehicleClass vehicleClass)
static VehicleClass GetModelClass (Model vehicleModel)
static int[] GetAllModelValues ()
static VehicleHash[] GetAllModels ()
static VehicleHash[] GetAllModelsOfClass (VehicleClass vehicleClass)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from GTA.Entity
static Entity FromHandle (int handle)
 Creates a new instance of an Entity from the given handle. More...
static bool operator== (Entity left, Entity right)
 Determines if two Entitys refer to the same entity. More...
static bool operator!= (Entity left, Entity right)
 Determines if two Entitys don't refer to the same entity. More...
static implicit operator InputArgument (Entity value)
 Converts an Entity to a native input argument. More...

Public Attributes

bool IsConvertible => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_VEHICLE_A_CONVERTIBLE, Handle, 0)
VehicleModCollection Mods => _mods ?? (_mods = new VehicleModCollection(this))
VehicleWheelCollection Wheels => _wheels ?? (_wheels = new VehicleWheelCollection(this))
VehicleWindowCollection Windows => _windows ?? (_windows = new VehicleWindowCollection(this))
string DisplayName => GetModelDisplayName(base.Model)
 Gets the display name of this Vehicle. More...
string LocalizedName => Game.GetLocalizedString(DisplayName)
 Gets the localized name of this Vehicle More...
string ClassDisplayName => GetClassDisplayName(ClassType)
 Gets the display name of this Vehicles VehicleClass. More...
string ClassLocalizedName => Game.GetLocalizedString(ClassDisplayName)
 Gets the localized name of this Vehicles VehicleClass. More...
VehicleClass ClassType => Function.Call<VehicleClass>(Hash.GET_VEHICLE_CLASS, Handle)
 Gets the class of this Vehicle. More...
float MaxBraking => Function.Call<float>(Hash.GET_VEHICLE_MAX_BRAKING, Handle)
 Gets the maximum brake power of this Vehicle. More...
float MaxTraction => Function.Call<float>(Hash.GET_VEHICLE_MAX_TRACTION, Handle)
 Gets the maximum traction of this Vehicle. More...
bool IsAlarmSounding => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_VEHICLE_ALARM_ACTIVATED, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Vehicle is sounding its alarm. More...
bool HasSiren => Bones.Contains("siren1")
 Gets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has a siren. More...
bool IsDamaged => Function.Call<bool>(Hash._IS_VEHICLE_DAMAGED, Handle)
bool IsRearBumperBrokenOff => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_VEHICLE_BUMPER_BROKEN_OFF, Handle, false)
bool IsFrontBumperBrokenOff => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_VEHICLE_BUMPER_BROKEN_OFF, Handle, true)
bool HasRoof => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.DOES_VEHICLE_HAVE_ROOF, Handle)
VehicleDoorCollection Doors => _doors ?? (_doors = new VehicleDoorCollection(this))
bool IsInBurnout => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_VEHICLE_IN_BURNOUT, Handle)
Ped Driver => GetPedOnSeat(VehicleSeat.Driver)
int PassengerCount => Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_VEHICLE_NUMBER_OF_PASSENGERS, Handle)
int PassengerCapacity => Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_VEHICLE_MAX_NUMBER_OF_PASSENGERS, Handle)
bool IsStopped => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_VEHICLE_STOPPED, Handle)
bool IsStoppedAtTrafficLights => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_VEHICLE_STOPPED_AT_TRAFFIC_LIGHTS, Handle)
bool IsOnAllWheels => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_VEHICLE_ON_ALL_WHEELS, Handle)
bool HasForks => Bones.Contains("forks")
 Gets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has forks. More...
bool HasTowArm => Bones.Contains("tow_arm")
bool HasBombBay => Bones.Contains("door_hatch_l") && Bones.Contains("door_hatch_r")
- Public Attributes inherited from GTA.Entity
IntPtr MemoryAddress => SHVDN.NativeMemory.GetEntityAddress(Handle)
 Gets the memory address where the Entity is stored in memory. More...
EntityType EntityType => (EntityType)Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_ENTITY_TYPE, Handle)
 Gets the type of the current Entity. More...
bool IsDead => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_ENTITY_DEAD, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity is dead. More...
bool IsAlive => !IsDead
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity is alive. More...
Model Model => new Model(Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_ENTITY_MODEL, Handle))
 Gets the model of the current Entity. More...
virtual EntityBoneCollection Bones => _bones ?? (_bones = new EntityBoneCollection(this))
 Gets a collection of the EntityBones in this Entity. More...
float SubmersionLevel => Function.Call<float>(Hash.GET_ENTITY_SUBMERGED_LEVEL, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating how submersed this Entity is, 1.0f means the whole entity is submerged. More...
float HeightAboveGround => Function.Call<float>(Hash.GET_ENTITY_HEIGHT_ABOVE_GROUND, Handle)
 Gets how high above ground this Entity is. More...
bool IsOnFire => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_ENTITY_ON_FIRE, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity is on fire. More...
bool IsOnScreen => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_ENTITY_ON_SCREEN, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity is on screen. More...
bool IsUpright => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_ENTITY_UPRIGHT, Handle, 30.0f)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity is upright. More...
bool IsUpsideDown => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_ENTITY_UPSIDEDOWN, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity is upside down. More...
bool IsInAir => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_ENTITY_IN_AIR, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity is in the air. More...
bool IsInWater => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_ENTITY_IN_WATER, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity is in water. More...
bool HasCollided => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.HAS_ENTITY_COLLIDED_WITH_ANYTHING, Handle)
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity has collided with anything. More...
MaterialHash MaterialCollidingWith => (MaterialHash)Function.Call<uint>(Hash.GET_LAST_MATERIAL_HIT_BY_ENTITY, Handle)
 Gets the material this Entity is pushing up against. More...


float DirtLevel [get, set]
bool IsStolen [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle was stolen. More...
bool??????? IsWanted [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle is wanted by the police. More...
bool??????? NeedsToBeHotwired [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle needs to be hotwired to start. More...
bool??????? PreviouslyOwnedByPlayer [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle was previously owned by a Player. More...
float??????? LodMultiplier [get, set]
float BodyHealth [get, set]
 Gets or sets this Vehicles body health. More...
float EngineHealth [get, set]
 Gets or sets this Vehicle engine health. More...
float PetrolTankHealth [get, set]
 Gets or sets this Vehicle petrol tank health. More...
float??????? HeliEngineHealth [get, set]
 Gets or sets the engine health for this heli. More...
float??????? HeliMainRotorHealth [get, set]
 Gets or sets the main rotor health for this heli. More...
float??????? HeliTailRotorHealth [get, set]
 Gets or sets the tail rotor health for this heli. More...
bool IsRadioEnabled [set]
 Turns this Vehicles radio on or off More...
RadioStation RadioStation [set]
 Sets this Vehicles radio station. More...
bool IsEngineRunning [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicles engine is running. More...
bool??????? IsEngineStarting [get]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicles engine is currently starting. More...
bool CanEngineDegrade [set]
float?????? EngineTemperature [get]
 Gets the engine temperature of this Vehicle. More...
float??????? EnginePowerMultiplier [get, set]
float EngineTorqueMultiplier [set]
float?????????????? OilLevel [get, set]
 Gets or sets this Vehicle oil level. More...
float OilVolume [get]
 Gets the oil volume of this Vehicle. More...
float FuelLevel [get, set]
 Gets or sets this Vehicle fuel level. More...
float PetrolTankVolume [get]
 Gets the petrol tank volume of this Vehicle. More...
int?????????????? Gears [get, set]
 Gets or sets the gears value of this Vehicle. More...
int HighGear [get, set]
int?????????????? NextGear [get, set]
 Gets or sets the next gear value of this Vehicle. More...
int CurrentGear [get, set]
 Gets or sets the current gear this Vehicle is using. More...
float?????????????? Turbo [get, set]
 Gets or sets the current turbo value of this Vehicle. More...
float?????????????? Clutch [get, set]
 Gets or sets the current clutch of this Vehicle. More...
float?????????????? Throttle [get, set]
 Gets or sets the current throttle of this Vehicle. More...
float?????????????? BrakePower [get, set]
 Gets or sets the current brake power of this Vehicle. More...
float?????????????? ThrottlePower [get, set]
 Gets or sets the current throttle power of this Vehicle. More...
float WheelSpeed [get]
 Gets the speed the drive wheels are turning at, This is the value used for the dashboard speedometers(after being converted to mph). More...
float ForwardSpeed [set]
 Sets this Vehicles forward speed. More...
float??????? HeliBladesSpeed [get, set]
 Gets or sets the blades speed for this heli. More...
float CurrentRPM [get, set]
 Gets or sets the current RPM of this Vehicle. More...
float Acceleration [get]
 Gets the acceleration of this Vehicle. More...
float SteeringAngle [get, set]
 Gets or sets the steering angle of this Vehicle. More...
float SteeringScale [get, set]
 Gets or sets the steering scale of this Vehicle. More...
bool??????? IsAlarmSet [get, set]
 Sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has an alarm set. More...
int??????????????? AlarmTimeLeft [get, set]
 Gets or sets time left before this Vehicle alarm stops. If greater than zero, the vehicle alarm will be sounding. the value is up to 65534. More...
bool IsSirenActive [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has its siren turned on. More...
bool IsSirenSilent [set]
 Sets a value indicating whether the siren on this Vehicle plays sounds. More...
bool? AreLightsOn [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has its lights on. More...
bool AreHighBeamsOn [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has its high beams on. More...
bool??????? IsInteriorLightOn [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has its interior lights on. More...
bool IsSearchLightOn [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has its search light on. More...
bool IsTaxiLightOn [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has its taxi light on. More...
bool IsLeftIndicatorLightOn [set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has its left indicator light on. More...
bool IsRightIndicatorLightOn [set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has its right indicator light on. More...
bool AreBrakeLightsOn [set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has its brake light on. More...
float??????? LightsMultiplier [get, set]
bool IsDriveable [get, set]
bool??????? IsLeftHeadLightBroken [get, set]
bool??????? IsRightHeadLightBroken [get, set]
bool IsAxlesStrong [set]
bool CanTiresBurst [get, set]
bool??????? CanWheelsBreak [get, set]
bool CanBeVisiblyDamaged [set]
bool??????????? DropsMoneyOnExplosion [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle drops money when destroyed. More...
VehicleRoofState RoofState [get, set]
VehicleLockStatus LockStatus [get, set]
VehicleLandingGearState LandingGearState [get, set]
bool IsBurnoutForced [set]
bool IsHandbrakeForcedOn [set]
 Sets a value indicating whether the Handbrake on this Vehicle is forced on. More...
Ped[] Occupants [get]
Ped[] Passengers [get]
bool??????? ProvidesCover [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether peds can use this Vehicle for cover. More...
float TowArmPosition [set]
VehicleTowedVehicle [get]
- Properties inherited from GTA.Entity
int Opacity [get, set]
 Gets or sets how opaque this Entity is. More...
int LodDistance [get, set]
 Gets or sets the level of detail distance of this Entity. More...
bool IsPersistent [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is persistent. More...
bool IsPositionFrozen [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is frozen. More...
int Health [get, set]
 Gets or sets the health of this Entity as an int. More...
virtual int MaxHealth [get, set]
 Gets or sets the maximum health of this Entity as an int. More...
float HealthFloat [get, set]
 Gets or sets the health of this Entity as a float. More...
float?? MaxHealthFloat [get, set]
 Gets or sets the maximum health of this Entity in float. More...
Matrix Matrix [get]
 Gets this Entitys matrix which stores position and rotation information. More...
virtual Vector3 Position [get, set]
 Gets or sets the position of this Entity. More...
Vector3 PositionNoOffset [set]
 Sets the position of this Entity without any offset. More...
virtual Vector3 Rotation [get, set]
 Gets or sets the rotation of this Entity. More...
float Heading [get, set]
 Gets or sets the heading of this Entity. More...
Quaternion Quaternion [get, set]
 Gets or sets the quaternion of this Entity. More...
Vector3 UpVector [get]
 Gets the vector that points above this Entity More...
Vector3 RightVector [get]
 Gets the vector that points to the right of this Entity More...
Vector3 ForwardVector [get]
 Gets the vector that points in front of this Entity More...
Vector3 LeftPosition [get]
 Gets a position directly to the left of this Entity More...
Vector3 RightPosition [get]
 Gets a position directly to the right of this Entity More...
Vector3 RearPosition [get]
 Gets a position directly behind this Entity More...
Vector3 FrontPosition [get]
 Gets a position directly in front of this Entity More...
Vector3 AbovePosition [get]
 Gets a position directly above this Entity More...
Vector3 BelowPosition [get]
 Gets a position directly below this Entity More...
float Speed [get, set]
 Gets or sets this Entitys speed. More...
float MaxSpeed [set]
 Sets the maximum speed this Entity can move at. More...
Vector3 Velocity [get, set]
 Gets or sets the velocity of this Entity. More...
Vector3 RotationVelocity [get]
 Gets the rotation velocity of this Entity. More...
bool IsFireProof [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is fire proof. More...
bool IsMeleeProof [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is melee proof. More...
bool IsBulletProof [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is bullet proof. More...
bool IsExplosionProof [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is explosion proof. More...
bool IsCollisionProof [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is collision proof. More...
bool IsInvincible [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is invincible. More...
bool IsOnlyDamagedByPlayer [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity can only be damaged by Players. More...
bool IsVisible [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is visible. More...
bool IsOccluded [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity is occluded. More...
bool IsRendered [get]
 Gets a value indicating whether this Entity is rendered. More...
bool HasGravity [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity has gravity. More...
bool IsCollisionEnabled [get, set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity has collision. More...
bool IsRecordingCollisions [set]
 Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Entity is recording collisions. More...
Blip AttachedBlip [get]
 Gets the Blip attached to this Entity. More...
Blip[] AttachedBlips [get]
 Gets an array of all Blips attached to this Entity. More...
Entity AttachedEntity [get]
 Gets the Entity this Entity is attached to. More...
- Properties inherited from GTA.PoolObject
int Handle [get, protected set]
 The handle of the object. More...
ulong NativeValue [get, set]
 The handle of the object translated to a native value. More...
- Properties inherited from GTA.Native.INativeValue
ulong NativeValue [get, set]
- Properties inherited from GTA.ISpatial
Vector3 Position [get, set]
Vector3 Rotation [get, set]

Additional Inherited Members

- Protected Member Functions inherited from GTA.PoolObject
 PoolObject (int handle)

Member Function Documentation

◆ ApplyDamage()

void GTA.Vehicle.ApplyDamage ( Vector3  position,
float  damageAmount,
float  radius 

◆ CargoBobMagnetGrabVehicle()

void GTA.Vehicle.CargoBobMagnetGrabVehicle ( )

◆ CargoBobMagnetReleaseVehicle()

void GTA.Vehicle.CargoBobMagnetReleaseVehicle ( )

◆ CloseBombBay()

void GTA.Vehicle.CloseBombBay ( )

◆ CreatePedOnSeat()

Ped GTA.Vehicle.CreatePedOnSeat ( VehicleSeat  seat,
Model  model 

◆ CreateRandomPedOnSeat()

Ped GTA.Vehicle.CreateRandomPedOnSeat ( VehicleSeat  seat)

◆ DetachFromTowTruck()

void GTA.Vehicle.DetachFromTowTruck ( )

◆ DetachTowedVehicle()

void GTA.Vehicle.DetachTowedVehicle ( )

◆ DropCargobobHook()

void GTA.Vehicle.DropCargobobHook ( CargobobHook  hook)

◆ Exists()

new bool GTA.Vehicle.Exists ( )

Determines if this Vehicle exists.

true if this Vehicle exists; otherwise, false

Reimplemented from GTA.Entity.

◆ Explode()

void GTA.Vehicle.Explode ( )

Explode this Vehicle instantaneously.

◆ ExtraExists()

bool GTA.Vehicle.ExtraExists ( int  extra)

◆ GetAllModels()

static VehicleHash [] GTA.Vehicle.GetAllModels ( )

◆ GetAllModelsOfClass()

static VehicleHash [] GTA.Vehicle.GetAllModelsOfClass ( VehicleClass  vehicleClass)

◆ GetAllModelValues()

static int [] GTA.Vehicle.GetAllModelValues ( )

◆ GetClassDisplayName()

static string GTA.Vehicle.GetClassDisplayName ( VehicleClass  vehicleClass)

◆ GetModelClass()

static VehicleClass GTA.Vehicle.GetModelClass ( Model  vehicleModel)

◆ GetModelDisplayName()

static string GTA.Vehicle.GetModelDisplayName ( Model  vehicleModel)

◆ GetPedOnSeat()

Ped GTA.Vehicle.GetPedOnSeat ( VehicleSeat  seat)

◆ IsCargobobHookActive() [1/2]

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsCargobobHookActive ( )

◆ IsCargobobHookActive() [2/2]

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsCargobobHookActive ( CargobobHook  hook)

◆ IsExtraOn()

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsExtraOn ( int  extra)

◆ IsSeatFree()

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsSeatFree ( VehicleSeat  seat)

◆ OpenBombBay()

void GTA.Vehicle.OpenBombBay ( )

◆ PlaceOnGround()

bool GTA.Vehicle.PlaceOnGround ( )

◆ PlaceOnNextStreet()

void GTA.Vehicle.PlaceOnNextStreet ( )

◆ Repair()

void GTA.Vehicle.Repair ( )

Repair all damage to this Vehicle instantaneously.

◆ RetractCargobobHook()

void GTA.Vehicle.RetractCargobobHook ( )

◆ SetHeliYawPitchRollMult()

void GTA.Vehicle.SetHeliYawPitchRollMult ( float  mult)

◆ SoundHorn()

void GTA.Vehicle.SoundHorn ( int  duration)

Sounds the horn on this Vehicle.

durationThe duration in milliseconds to sound the horn for.

◆ StartAlarm()

void GTA.Vehicle.StartAlarm ( )

Starts sounding the alarm on this Vehicle.

◆ ToggleExtra()

void GTA.Vehicle.ToggleExtra ( int  extra,
bool  toggle 

◆ TowVehicle()

void GTA.Vehicle.TowVehicle ( Vehicle  vehicle,
bool  rear 

◆ Wash()

void GTA.Vehicle.Wash ( )

Member Data Documentation

◆ ClassDisplayName

string GTA.Vehicle.ClassDisplayName => GetClassDisplayName(ClassType)

Gets the display name of this Vehicles VehicleClass.

Use Game.GetLocalizedString(string) to get the localized class name.

◆ ClassLocalizedName

string GTA.Vehicle.ClassLocalizedName => Game.GetLocalizedString(ClassDisplayName)

Gets the localized name of this Vehicles VehicleClass.

◆ ClassType

VehicleClass GTA.Vehicle.ClassType => Function.Call<VehicleClass>(Hash.GET_VEHICLE_CLASS, Handle)

Gets the class of this Vehicle.

◆ DisplayName

string GTA.Vehicle.DisplayName => GetModelDisplayName(base.Model)

Gets the display name of this Vehicle.

Use Game.GetLocalizedString(string) to get the localized name.

◆ Doors

VehicleDoorCollection GTA.Vehicle.Doors => _doors ?? (_doors = new VehicleDoorCollection(this))

◆ Driver

Ped GTA.Vehicle.Driver => GetPedOnSeat(VehicleSeat.Driver)

◆ HasBombBay

bool GTA.Vehicle.HasBombBay => Bones.Contains("door_hatch_l") && Bones.Contains("door_hatch_r")

◆ HasForks

bool GTA.Vehicle.HasForks => Bones.Contains("forks")

Gets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has forks.

true if this Vehicle has forks; otherwise, false.

◆ HasRoof

bool GTA.Vehicle.HasRoof => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.DOES_VEHICLE_HAVE_ROOF, Handle)

◆ HasSiren

bool GTA.Vehicle.HasSiren => Bones.Contains("siren1")

Gets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has a siren.

true if this Vehicle has a siren; otherwise, false.

◆ HasTowArm

bool GTA.Vehicle.HasTowArm => Bones.Contains("tow_arm")

◆ IsAlarmSounding

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsAlarmSounding => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_VEHICLE_ALARM_ACTIVATED, Handle)

Gets a value indicating whether this Vehicle is sounding its alarm.

true if this Vehicle is sounding its alarm; otherwise, false.

◆ IsConvertible

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsConvertible => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_VEHICLE_A_CONVERTIBLE, Handle, 0)

◆ IsDamaged

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsDamaged => Function.Call<bool>(Hash._IS_VEHICLE_DAMAGED, Handle)

◆ IsFrontBumperBrokenOff

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsFrontBumperBrokenOff => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_VEHICLE_BUMPER_BROKEN_OFF, Handle, true)

◆ IsInBurnout

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsInBurnout => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_VEHICLE_IN_BURNOUT, Handle)

◆ IsOnAllWheels

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsOnAllWheels => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_VEHICLE_ON_ALL_WHEELS, Handle)

◆ IsRearBumperBrokenOff

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsRearBumperBrokenOff => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_VEHICLE_BUMPER_BROKEN_OFF, Handle, false)

◆ IsStopped

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsStopped => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_VEHICLE_STOPPED, Handle)

◆ IsStoppedAtTrafficLights

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsStoppedAtTrafficLights => Function.Call<bool>(Hash.IS_VEHICLE_STOPPED_AT_TRAFFIC_LIGHTS, Handle)

◆ LocalizedName

string GTA.Vehicle.LocalizedName => Game.GetLocalizedString(DisplayName)

Gets the localized name of this Vehicle

◆ MaxBraking

float GTA.Vehicle.MaxBraking => Function.Call<float>(Hash.GET_VEHICLE_MAX_BRAKING, Handle)

Gets the maximum brake power of this Vehicle.

◆ MaxTraction

float GTA.Vehicle.MaxTraction => Function.Call<float>(Hash.GET_VEHICLE_MAX_TRACTION, Handle)

Gets the maximum traction of this Vehicle.

◆ Mods

VehicleModCollection GTA.Vehicle.Mods => _mods ?? (_mods = new VehicleModCollection(this))

◆ PassengerCapacity

int GTA.Vehicle.PassengerCapacity => Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_VEHICLE_MAX_NUMBER_OF_PASSENGERS, Handle)

◆ PassengerCount

int GTA.Vehicle.PassengerCount => Function.Call<int>(Hash.GET_VEHICLE_NUMBER_OF_PASSENGERS, Handle)

◆ Wheels

VehicleWheelCollection GTA.Vehicle.Wheels => _wheels ?? (_wheels = new VehicleWheelCollection(this))

◆ Windows

VehicleWindowCollection GTA.Vehicle.Windows => _windows ?? (_windows = new VehicleWindowCollection(this))

Property Documentation

◆ Acceleration

float GTA.Vehicle.Acceleration

Gets the acceleration of this Vehicle.

◆ AlarmTimeLeft

int??????????????? GTA.Vehicle.AlarmTimeLeft

Gets or sets time left before this Vehicle alarm stops. If greater than zero, the vehicle alarm will be sounding. the value is up to 65534.

The time left before this Vehicle alarm stops.

◆ AreBrakeLightsOn

bool GTA.Vehicle.AreBrakeLightsOn

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has its brake light on.

true if this Vehicle has its brake light on; otherwise, false.

◆ AreHighBeamsOn

bool GTA.Vehicle.AreHighBeamsOn

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has its high beams on.

true if this Vehicle has its high beams on; otherwise, false.

◆ AreLightsOn

bool? GTA.Vehicle.AreLightsOn

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has its lights on.

true if this Vehicle has its lights on; otherwise, false.

◆ BodyHealth

float GTA.Vehicle.BodyHealth

Gets or sets this Vehicles body health.

◆ BrakePower

float?????????????? GTA.Vehicle.BrakePower

Gets or sets the current brake power of this Vehicle.

◆ CanBeVisiblyDamaged

bool GTA.Vehicle.CanBeVisiblyDamaged

◆ CanEngineDegrade

bool GTA.Vehicle.CanEngineDegrade

◆ CanTiresBurst

bool GTA.Vehicle.CanTiresBurst

◆ CanWheelsBreak

bool??????? GTA.Vehicle.CanWheelsBreak

◆ Clutch

float?????????????? GTA.Vehicle.Clutch

Gets or sets the current clutch of this Vehicle.

◆ CurrentGear

int GTA.Vehicle.CurrentGear

Gets or sets the current gear this Vehicle is using.

◆ CurrentRPM

float GTA.Vehicle.CurrentRPM

Gets or sets the current RPM of this Vehicle.

The current RPM between 0.0f and 1.0f.

◆ DirtLevel

float GTA.Vehicle.DirtLevel

◆ DropsMoneyOnExplosion

bool??????????? GTA.Vehicle.DropsMoneyOnExplosion

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle drops money when destroyed.

true if this Vehicle drops money when destroyed; otherwise, false.

◆ EngineHealth

float GTA.Vehicle.EngineHealth

Gets or sets this Vehicle engine health.

◆ EnginePowerMultiplier

float??????? GTA.Vehicle.EnginePowerMultiplier

◆ EngineTemperature

float?????? GTA.Vehicle.EngineTemperature

Gets the engine temperature of this Vehicle.

◆ EngineTorqueMultiplier

float GTA.Vehicle.EngineTorqueMultiplier

◆ ForwardSpeed

float GTA.Vehicle.ForwardSpeed

Sets this Vehicles forward speed.

The forward speed in m/s.

◆ FuelLevel

float GTA.Vehicle.FuelLevel

Gets or sets this Vehicle fuel level.

◆ Gears

int?????????????? GTA.Vehicle.Gears

Gets or sets the gears value of this Vehicle.

◆ HeliBladesSpeed

float??????? GTA.Vehicle.HeliBladesSpeed

Gets or sets the blades speed for this heli.

◆ HeliEngineHealth

float??????? GTA.Vehicle.HeliEngineHealth

Gets or sets the engine health for this heli.

◆ HeliMainRotorHealth

float??????? GTA.Vehicle.HeliMainRotorHealth

Gets or sets the main rotor health for this heli.

◆ HeliTailRotorHealth

float??????? GTA.Vehicle.HeliTailRotorHealth

Gets or sets the tail rotor health for this heli.

◆ HighGear

int GTA.Vehicle.HighGear

◆ IsAlarmSet

bool??????? GTA.Vehicle.IsAlarmSet

Sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has an alarm set.

true if this Vehicle has an alarm set; otherwise, false.

◆ IsAxlesStrong

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsAxlesStrong

◆ IsBurnoutForced

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsBurnoutForced

◆ IsDriveable

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsDriveable

◆ IsEngineRunning

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsEngineRunning

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicles engine is running.

true if this Vehicles engine is running; otherwise, false.

◆ IsEngineStarting

bool??????? GTA.Vehicle.IsEngineStarting

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicles engine is currently starting.

true if this Vehicles engine is starting; otherwise, false.

◆ IsHandbrakeForcedOn

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsHandbrakeForcedOn

Sets a value indicating whether the Handbrake on this Vehicle is forced on.

true if the Handbrake on this Vehicle is forced on; otherwise, false.

◆ IsInteriorLightOn

bool??????? GTA.Vehicle.IsInteriorLightOn

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has its interior lights on.

true if this Vehicle has its interior lights on; otherwise, false.

◆ IsLeftHeadLightBroken

bool??????? GTA.Vehicle.IsLeftHeadLightBroken

◆ IsLeftIndicatorLightOn

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsLeftIndicatorLightOn

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has its left indicator light on.

true if this Vehicle has its left indicator light on; otherwise, false.

◆ IsRadioEnabled

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsRadioEnabled

Turns this Vehicles radio on or off

◆ IsRightHeadLightBroken

bool??????? GTA.Vehicle.IsRightHeadLightBroken

◆ IsRightIndicatorLightOn

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsRightIndicatorLightOn

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has its right indicator light on.

true if this Vehicle has its right indicator light on; otherwise, false.

◆ IsSearchLightOn

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsSearchLightOn

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has its search light on.

true if this Vehicle has its search light on; otherwise, false.

◆ IsSirenActive

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsSirenActive

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has its siren turned on.

true if this Vehicle has its siren turned on; otherwise, false.

◆ IsSirenSilent

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsSirenSilent

Sets a value indicating whether the siren on this Vehicle plays sounds.

true if the siren on this Vehicle plays sounds; otherwise, false.

◆ IsStolen

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsStolen

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle was stolen.

◆ IsTaxiLightOn

bool GTA.Vehicle.IsTaxiLightOn

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle has its taxi light on.

true if this Vehicle has its taxi light on; otherwise, false.

◆ IsWanted

bool??????? GTA.Vehicle.IsWanted

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle is wanted by the police.

true if this Vehicle is wanted by the police; otherwise, false.

◆ LandingGearState

VehicleLandingGearState GTA.Vehicle.LandingGearState

◆ LightsMultiplier

float??????? GTA.Vehicle.LightsMultiplier

◆ LockStatus

VehicleLockStatus GTA.Vehicle.LockStatus

◆ LodMultiplier

float??????? GTA.Vehicle.LodMultiplier

◆ NeedsToBeHotwired

bool??????? GTA.Vehicle.NeedsToBeHotwired

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle needs to be hotwired to start.

true if this Vehicle needs to be hotwired to start; otherwise, false.

◆ NextGear

int?????????????? GTA.Vehicle.NextGear

Gets or sets the next gear value of this Vehicle.

◆ Occupants

Ped [] GTA.Vehicle.Occupants

◆ OilLevel

float?????????????? GTA.Vehicle.OilLevel

Gets or sets this Vehicle oil level.

◆ OilVolume

float GTA.Vehicle.OilVolume

Gets the oil volume of this Vehicle.

◆ Passengers

Ped [] GTA.Vehicle.Passengers

◆ PetrolTankHealth

float GTA.Vehicle.PetrolTankHealth

Gets or sets this Vehicle petrol tank health.

◆ PetrolTankVolume

float GTA.Vehicle.PetrolTankVolume

Gets the petrol tank volume of this Vehicle.

◆ PreviouslyOwnedByPlayer

bool??????? GTA.Vehicle.PreviouslyOwnedByPlayer

Gets or sets a value indicating whether this Vehicle was previously owned by a Player.

true if this Vehicle was previously owned by a Player; otherwise, false.

◆ ProvidesCover

bool??????? GTA.Vehicle.ProvidesCover

Gets or sets a value indicating whether peds can use this Vehicle for cover.

true if peds can use this Vehicle for cover; otherwise, false.

◆ RadioStation

RadioStation GTA.Vehicle.RadioStation

Sets this Vehicles radio station.

◆ RoofState

VehicleRoofState GTA.Vehicle.RoofState

◆ SteeringAngle

float GTA.Vehicle.SteeringAngle

Gets or sets the steering angle of this Vehicle.

The steering angle in degrees.

◆ SteeringScale

float GTA.Vehicle.SteeringScale

Gets or sets the steering scale of this Vehicle.

◆ Throttle

float?????????????? GTA.Vehicle.Throttle

Gets or sets the current throttle of this Vehicle.

◆ ThrottlePower

float?????????????? GTA.Vehicle.ThrottlePower

Gets or sets the current throttle power of this Vehicle.

◆ TowArmPosition

float GTA.Vehicle.TowArmPosition

◆ TowedVehicle

Vehicle? GTA.Vehicle.TowedVehicle

◆ Turbo

float?????????????? GTA.Vehicle.Turbo

Gets or sets the current turbo value of this Vehicle.

◆ WheelSpeed

float GTA.Vehicle.WheelSpeed

Gets the speed the drive wheels are turning at, This is the value used for the dashboard speedometers(after being converted to mph).

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: